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"for the last time, asshole"


Hayley let out a sigh as she walked through the woods behind Bella. The Swan girl announced that she was going to the field the she and Edward laid in, and Hayley insisted on tagging along.

"You didn't have to come," Bella said, hearing Hayley's sigh.

"Of course I did," Hayley said. "We're literally climbing up a mountain Bella, you could get hurt."

"I think I'm capable of walking up a mountain," Bella said, rolling her eyes as she kept walking.

"Have you seen the reports? You could be attacked by a bear," Hayley said.

Bella rolled her eyes again and continued walking up the mountain. She couldn't help but think of Edward as she did so, wondering if Hayley ever thought of Jasper. She wondered if she missed him, wondered if she felt the same emptiness.

After walking through the woods, the two girls finally found the field of flowers. Except now, everything was dead. The green grass was dry and brown, and the flowers were nowhere to be seen. Bella slowly fell to her knees as she looked around the field.

With a sad look on her face, Hayley slowly walked over to Bella. She placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Bella started to cry, making Hayley feel bad for her.

Bella shrugged Hayley's hand off of her shoulder before standing up. She instantly froze when she spotted the familiar strigoi vampire standing across from her.

"Bella," Laurent greeted, catching Hayley's attention.

"Laurent," Bella said, looking back at Hayley.

In he blink of an eye, the vampire was suddenly in front of the girls. Hayley quickly pulled Bella behind her, a glare on her face.

"I didn't expect to find you here," Laurent admitted. "I went to visit the Cullens, but the house is empty. I'm surprised they left you behind. Weren't you sort of a pet of theirs?"

"Yeah. You could say that," Bella said.

"Do the Cullens visit often?" Laurent asked.

"Quite often," Hayley quickly lied. "I'll be sure to tell Carlisle that you stopped by."

"But we probably shouldn't tell Edward or Jasper. They're pretty protective," Bella said.

"But they're far away, aren't they?" Laurent asked, not believing them.

"Why are you here?" Bella asked, changing the subject.

"I came as a favor to Victoria," Laurent said, making Hayley's body tense.

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