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"i love you"


Hayley threw her fist out towards her mother, but Ellen easily dodged it. The older woman's eyes glowed a bright yellow as she used her enhanced speed and strength to pick up Hayley and slam her down on the ground. Hayley groaned in frustration and pain as she landed on the hard ground. Ellen quickly offered a hand to help her up.

"How did Bella take the news when you told her about being her dhampir?" Ellen asked as the two took a break from training.

"Okay," Hayley panted out. "I told her pretty much everything you told me."

"What do you mean 'pretty much everything'?" Ellen asked.

Hayley wiped the back of her hand against her sweaty forehead. "I told her about everything except the part where if she dies, I die," She explained.

"Why?" Ellen asked.

"I don't want her to wake up everyday and freak out about my life being in her hands," Hayley explained.

Ellen nodded her head. "I understand," she told her.

Hayley sighed. "I still don't know how to use my abilities without her being in danger," she reminded.

"Yes, you do," Ellen told her.

Hayley gave her a confused look. "What?" She asked.

"Baby, every dhampir can use their abilities whenever they want. They don't need special training or anything," Ellen said.

"Then why can't I use them?" Hayley asked.

"You haven't accepted that you're not a human. You haven't accepted that you're a dhampir," Ellen said. "You're not letting yourself have these supernatural abilities because you know that when you use them, it's all going to be real."

Hayley scoffed. "That's ridiculous," She stated.

"Is it?" Ellen asked. "Can you honestly tell me that you don't think this is all just a dream?"

"W-Well, I mean.." Hayley trailed off.

"You were born to protect Bella and her future bloodline," Ellen told her.

"I know," Hayley muttered.

"You stopped a van with your bare hands," Ellen told her.

"I know," Hayley muttered, again.

"You're stuck at 17 for the rest of you life because you bonded with Bella," Ellen told her.

"I know," Hayley said, louder this time as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"You are a dhampir, Hayley!" Ellen yelled.

"I know!" Hayley yelled back, her eyes snapping open to reveal glowing yellow orbs.

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