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Hayley stood on the front porch of her old house as she knocked on the door. She waited for a few seconds before Ellen appeared with a smile. "Hello, Hayley," she said, motioning for her daughter to walk inside.

Hayley glared at the woman as she walked into the house, "Don't act like you don't know."

Ellen closed the door and turned back to her daughter. "I guess Carlisle talked to you," she said.

"Yes, he did," Hayley confirmed. "He told me how I'm 10 weeks pregnant with twins because my mother failed to mention how dhampirs can procreate with every supernatural being."

"I tried to tell—Did you say twins?" She asked, her eyes widening.

Hayley nodded her head as she pulled the ultrasound picture out of her back pocket. "Jasper and I are having twins," she said with a small smile. "Which explains why I'm already showing."

Ellen watched as he daughter smoothed her shirt out to reveal the small baby bump she had. Her eyes filled with tears as she realized she was going to have two grandbabies in a few months.

"Carlisle says everything looks perfect. The babies and I are in perfect health," Hayley stated.

Ellen wrapped her arms around her daughter and brought her in for a tight hug. "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you," she whispered. "But congratulations, honey. You and Jasper are going to be amazing parents to those two babies."

Hayley hugged her mom tighter, "Thank you so much."

As the pulled away from each other, the front door opened to reveal Jack with several bags of groceries in his hands. Once he seen the two woman together, he looked at them with a confused expression. "What's going on?" He asked.

Hayley smiled at her older brother as she picked up the ultrasound picture and showed it to him. "You're going to be an uncle!" She exclaimed.

Jack's eyes widened as the bags of groceries fell from his hands. A smile stretched across his face as he brought his hands up to his mouth. "No way," he whispered.

Hayley nodded her head as she smoothed out her shirt once more. "I'm 10 weeks along with twins," she told him.

Jack walked over to his sister and placed a hand on her tiny baby bump. "I can't believe it," he said. "You're going to be a mom."

"Jasper and I are pretty excited," she told them.

"I can't believe he didn't freak out," Ellen said.

"Me too," Hayley laughed.


Three weeks had passed and Hayley was nearing the end of her first trimester. As her stomach continued to expand, Hayley also noticed her breasts were growing as well. This caused her great discomfort, so Alice went shopping for maternity clothes.

"Everything looks great," Carlisle told her as he went over her chart. "You're babies are developing perfectly and your current weight is perfect. Woman normally struggle to gain weight during their first trimester because of morning sickness."

"I didn't experience any morning sickness," Hayley informed. "In fact, my first trimester was very easy."

"You're one of the lucky ones," Carlisle told her with a smile. "Let's hope your second trimester is just as simple."

"What should we expect during the second trimester?" Jasper asked.

"Well, the second trimester is the most important time period to gain weight. It's recommended that a woman of your size to gain 20-30 pounds within the next 13 weeks. With that, you'll begin to experience back pain, stretch marks, and difficultly sleeping," the doctor informed.

"How much weight am I going to gain overall?" Hayley asked, slightly concerned about her petite body.

"50-60 pounds," Carlisle told her. "But it's perfectly normal, Hayley. You're carrying two babies, so you're body is going to need more calories and nutrition."

"I'm going to look like a whale," Hayley muttered, rolling her eyes.

Carlisle chuckled. "You're going to look like you're pregnant with twins," he told her. "You should also feel the babies start to move in the second trimester, so that's something to look forward to."

"When can we find out the gender?" Jasper asked.

"Depending on the position the babies are in, we can start looking at your next appointment," the doctor told them.

"I hope they're girls," Hayley said, rubbing her stomach.

"I hope they're boys," Jasper said.


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