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"Most twins are born between 36-37 weeks, so you should be expected to give birth within the next month," Carlisle told Hayley.

"A month?" Hayley groaned. "I'm ready to give birth now."

Carlisle smiled. "Sadly the babies aren't ready yet," he said. "Though for 31 weeks, everything is looking great. Your babies are almost 4.5 pounds each"

"Only four? Shouldn't they be bigger?" Jasper asked.

"It's normal for twins to be born smaller," the doctor explained. "Your uterus will continue to expand as your babies finish growing."

"Great," Hayley mumbled.

"I've noticed moving has started to become difficult for you," Carlisle stated, his eyes softening. "Are you in any pain?"

Hayley shook her head. "Just uncomfortable," she told him. "My boobs are the only thing causing me pain."

"Understandable," the doctor nodded. "Your breasts should continue to grow and become heavier as your body prepares to lactate."

"Continue to grow? When are they going to stop?" Hayley questioned, concerned for her chest.

"After your milk comes in, most likely," Carlisle told her. "Once you've finished breastfeeding, they should reduce in size. Because of your weight gain, though, I wouldn't expect them to go back to your pre-pregnancy size."

"What if I don't want to breast feed?" Hayley asked.

"Some woman don't, and that's perfectly fine," he said. "But I would highly recommend you do. Your breasts will fill with milk after you give birth, which will cause you more discomfort. I believe feeding and regularly pumping will be the only way to bring you relief."

Hayley let out a loud groan as she looked down at her stomach, "Why do you hate me so much?"

Carlisle chuckled. "They don't hate you. Everything you've been experiencing is completely normal, Hayley," he assured her.

"Is there anything I should be concerned about?" Hayley asked.

"You shouldn't be concerned about anything," the doctor told her. "Use these last few weeks to relax. Those babies will be here before you know it."


Hayley smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her long hair was styled in curls and a nice dress covered her heavily pregnant body. It's been a week since her last doctors appointment, and Hayley was going to LA Push with her family and some of the wolves.

She turned around to see Jasper, who she thought was still at the Cullen's house, admiring her with a smile. "You look beautiful," he told her, walking over to her.

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