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"little man"


"Mommy missed you two so much," Hayley said as she grabbed Mary Ellen out of Rose's arms. "Where they good?"

"They were perfect," Rose informed with a smile.

Jasper stood behind Hayley and caressed his daughter's head. "You don't have to lie, Rose," he told her. "We know how they can be."

Emmett walked into the room with JJ in his arms. "He threw up ALL OVER ME!" He exclaimed, quickly passing the baby off to Jasper.

Hayley let out a laugh. "That's how you know he likes you," she told him.

"Not cool, little man," Emmett said as he pointed to the baby.

"Is Bella here?" Hayley asked, looking to Rose.

The blonde frowned. "Yes," she said.

Jasper noticed her change in mood and gave his sister a concerned look. "What happened?" He asked.

"It's best if you two go talk to her," she told them.

Jasper and Hayley shared a look before walking away to find Bella. They finally found her in the living room, but she wasn't alone. Jake, Edward, Carlisle, and Esme were all there with her. When Bella noticed Hayley, she quickly stood up and rushed over to her.

"I've been calling you all night," Bella told her. "Where have you been?"

Hayley's eyes widened. "Uh, date night," she lied. "We didn't have the twins so we went out."

Edward read her thoughts and laughed. The dhampir glared at him, so he quickly covered it up with a cough. Vampires don't cough, so it wasn't that convincing.

"What's going on?" Hayley asked.

Bella let out a sigh as she ran her hands through her hair. "The Volturi," she said. "They think Reneesme is an immortal child, so they're coming for us."

Hayley clenched her jaw, "So we fight."

"We can't," Edward told her. "You've seen what they're like; what they can do. Jane is too powerful."

"I assume you have a plan?" Jasper asked.

Carlisle stepped forward. "We're going to gather witnesses," he said. "We believe that if we can gather enough of our friends, that we might be able to convince the Volturi."

"You actually think it will work?" Hayley asked.

"We have to try," Esme said, offering a small smile.

Hayley nodded her head. "I can go to the dhampir council," she suggested. "I know they'll help."

"There's a council?" Jake asked.

"Yes," Hayley told him. "It was created after the Volturi was, actually. Dhampirs wanted to be united in case the strigoi vampires ever waged war with the humans."

"Convenient," Jake mumbled as he leaned back in his chair.

"Any help we can get, we'll take," Carlisle told her.

Hayley looked to her husband and smiled. "Family trip?" She asked.

"Where we heading, darling?" Jasper asked.


"The council knows you're coming," Ellen informed her daughter as she played with her grandchildren. "Your brother has offered to go with you."

"That would be great," Hayley said, smiling at her brother.

Jack nodded his head. "I've met with the council a few times, so I know what to expect," he told her.

"Will they be okay with Jasper being there?" Hayley asked.

"They shouldn't have a problem with him since he's moroi," Ellen said, looking up at her. "You aren't planning on taking these babies are you?"

"Why?" Hayley asked.

"Because they want to spend time with grandma," Ellen told her, looking back to the twins. "Don't you?"

Hayley let out a small laugh, "Do you want me to leave them with you?"

"That's a great idea!" Ellen exclaimed. "You hear that? You mommy said you can stay with grandma!"

Jack walked over to Hayley and playfully bumped into her. "You made some pretty cute kids," he told her.

Hayley smirked, "I know."

"Just don't have anymore," he told her. "It makes me feel old."

"No promises," she said.

Jack rolled his eyes. "At least wait a few years," he said. "I need time to find me a woman before your family gets too big."

"No promises," she repeated.


"Where exactly is this council?" Jasper asked his wife as he zipped up his suitcase.

Hayley looked over at her husband and smiled. "In my favorite city," she told him.

"New Orleans?" Jasper asked, his eyebrows raised.

Hayley nodded her head. "I can finally show you were I grew up!" She exclaimed.

"I can't wait," he said with a smile. "Are you sure your mom can handle the twins for a few days?"

"She should be fine," she said with a shrug. "I mean, she did raise me and Jack."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Jasper asked.

Hayley gasped and playfully slapped his arm. "Jack and I are not that bad," she said.

"Eh, we were pretty bad," Jack said as he walked into the room with his suitcase.

"You're not helping," Hayley said, glaring at her brother.

"I'm just saying," Jack laughed. "You remember when I got that paintball gun?"

"How could I forget? You chased me for hours and shot me!" Hayley said.

Jasper chuckled. "I stand corrected," he said. "Your mom should be perfectly fine with the twins."

"Anyways," Jack said, "are you guys ready?"

Hayley zipped up her bag and nodded. "We're ready," she said.

After saying goodbye to the twins and Ellen, Hayley, Jasper, and Jack all left. They drove to the airport before boarding a plane that was to arrive in New Orleans. Hayley hated to leave her babies behind, but she had no choice. She was determined to save her family.

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