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"Still pregnant"


As she approached 35 weeks, Hayley was put on bed rest. The babies had finally dropped down into her pelvic cavity, making everything extremely difficult and painful. The twins weighed a little over 5 pounds each, meaning they were the perfect size.

Hayley laid in Jasper's old bedroom (they temporarily moved back in to be closer to Carlisle) going through some of the baby clothes Rose had already bought. The blonde vampire was obsessed with buying clothes and toys for the unborn twins.

Hayley gasped, "Jasper!"

Her husband appeared in seconds with a concerned look on his face. "What? Is it time?" He asked, rushing over to her.

Hayley shook her head and laughed as she held up one of he outfits. "Look at the outfit Rose got for Mary Ellen," she said. "It's a tutu!"

"It's adorable," he told her, letting out a sigh of relief as he sat down on the bed.

"Did I worry you?" Hayley asked, noticing his sigh.

Jasper nodded as he placed a hand on her bulging stomach. "You could deliver at any moment," he said. "I'm always worried."

"Don't be," she told him. "I'm not going to give birth at any moment, babe. I haven't even experienced any real contractions yet, only Braxton Hicks."

"That's why I'm worried," Jasper told her. "I can feel the pain you go through when you're having Braxton Hicks contractions, and I don't want you to have to experience the pain of the real ones."

"The pain is worth it, my sweet boy," she told him, placing a hand on his cheek. "We'll be able to hold our babies soon."

Jasper grabbed her hand and kissed her palm, "I love and appreciate you so much."

"I love and appreciate you too," Hayley said, smiling at him. "My loving husband, and the father of my children."

"How did I get so lucky," he smiled.

"I ask myself that question everyday," she told him.

"So, why are you looking through all of the baby clothes?" Jasper asked, picking up the tutu that Hayley was looking at earlier.

The pregnant woman let out a sigh as she leaned back against the headboard. "Because I'm bored," she complained.

"Do you want some lunch?" Jasper asked.

"Only if I can eat with Bella," she told him.

Jasper groaned. "Fine, but I'm not getting yelled at by Carlisle," he told her.

"Yes!" Hayley exclaimed, happy to finally leave the bed. "Will you help me up, please?"

Jasper nodded and stood up from the bed and grabbed his wife's hands. He watched as Hayley slowly moved herself to the edge before he pulled her to her feet. She let out an exhausted sigh as she placed a hand on her stomach. "Are you sure you can make it up the stairs?" He asked her, his eyes full of concern.

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