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"what a prick"


Hayley liked Forks High School more than she thought she would. The stares and whispers from the other students in the hall had stopped by the end of the day, and the Kenner girl was mostly receiving friendly smiles from everyone.

After lunch, Hayley went to her Advanced English class. Since she was obsessed with reading and writing, English class was always her favorite. She walked into the classroom full of advanced students and went up to the teacher with a smile on her face.

"Hi," Hayley greeted awkwardly. "I'm Hayley Kenner."

"Oh, you must be our new student!" The teacher exclaimed with a bright smile. "I'm Mrs. Glenn and welcome to my class. Can I see your pass?" She asked.

"Here you go," Hayley said as she handed over the slip of paper.

The short, dark-haired teacher took the pass and looked over it before looking back up at Hayley and smiled. "Here's your book, and your seat it right next to Alice," she said, handing over a thick book and pointing to the short-haired girl.

"Thank you," Hayley said politely before taking her book and walking over to her new seat.

"Hi," Alice chirped. "I'm Alice Cullen," she introduced.

Hayley smiled at the girl. "I'm Hayley Kenner," she told her.

Alice beamed at the girl. "I already know we're going to be great friends," She said happily.

Hayley chuckled lightly at the girl before turning her attention to Mrs. Glenn. The teacher stood at the front of the class addressing the homework assignment that was due, which Hayley of course didn't do. After that, the teacher wrote the word 'poetry' in big letters on the chalk board before turning back to the class.

"Today you will all be working with the person next to you, and you both will be reading three separate poems. After you've read the poems, you must point out the connection between the three of them and explain why you think that," Mrs. Glenn said, explaining her assignment as she began to pass out the poems.

"So," Alice began. "How are you liking Forks?" She asked.

"It's, uh, it's different," Hayley answered with a shrug. "It's really quiet and small compared to where I'm from."

"Where are you from?" Alice asked, her eyebrow quipped as she leaned closer to Hayley.

"New Orleans," Hayley said with a smile. "Born and raised."

Alice's amber eyes lit up. "The city of voodoo and booze! My favorite," she said with a smile.

"You've been?" Hayley asked, interested.

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