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"then don't"


"Wait, you were born in 1893?" Hayley questioned with wide eyes.

Ellen nodded her head. "I look pretty good for 117, right?" She joked, trying to lighten the serious mood.

Hayley shook her head. "I-I don't.. How?" She asked.

Ellen sighed. "We're not human, Hayley," she told her.

"We?" Hayley repeated.

"We come from a long line of supernatural guardians called dhampirs," Ellen explained. "Dhampirs are born to protect a person and their future generations from supernatural threats."

"So, like a bloodline?" Hayley asked.

"Essentially, yes," Ellen said with a nod.

"Why now? Why are you just now telling me about this?" Hayley questioned.

"I was waiting for you to meet and bond with your protected," Ellen explained.

"Who's my protected?" Hayley asked.

Ellen smiled. "Who were you trying to protect tonight? Who were you trying to protect the day of the accident?" She asked.

A look of realization washed over Hayley's face. "Bella," she said and Ellen nodded. "But what supernatural threats?"

Ellen cleared her throat as she shifted on the couch. "Your world is about to get a whole lot bigger, baby," she told her. "Vampires and werewolves are real. Pretty much every monster and mythical creature from those fairy tales are real."

"Like-Like vampires that murder people and drink blood? They're real?" Hayley asked.

"They can't smell our blood or hear our heartbeats, though," Ellen told her with a nod. "And there are two types of vampires," she said. "Strigoi are the real threat. They have red eyes and drink the blood of humans, almost never leaving their victims alive. We call the other kind Moroi. They have amber colored eyes since they feed off of animal blood, and most likely live peacefully with humans."

"Amber eyes?" Hayley repeated with a gasp. "Like-"

"Like the Cullens," Ellen said with a nod.

"You're telling me that Jasper is a vampire?" Hayley questioned, her voice shaky.

"But he's not a threat to you or Bella," Ellen quickly assured. "None of his family are."

"What happens if there is a threat?" Hayley asked. "What makes a dhampir so special?"

"When a dhampir bonds with their protected, they gain supernatural abilities of their own. You have the strength and speed greater of both a vampire and werewolf combined, and combat skills that are basically wired into your brain," Ellen informed her.

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