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"you look beautiful"


Hayley was currently at the Swan residence hanging out with Bella. The two were outside, Hayley sitting on the ground with her camera in hand while Bella cleaned her truck.

"So, my mom wants to start training me," Hayley stated, fidgeting with the camera.

"What do you mean?" Bella asked as she wiped the rusted truck with a soapy sponge.

"Well, as a dhampir, kicking ass is pretty much programmed into my brain," Hayley said, making Bella chuckle. "I have all of these abilities, but I don't know how to control any of them."

"You seemed to be able to control it when those guys attacked us," Bella told her. "And when the van nearly killed me."

Hayley shook her head. "That wasn't me controlling them," she said. "I should be able to use my abilities whenever, not just when you're in danger."

"Well, I'm-" Bella cut herself off when Edward suddenly on top of her truck.

Hayley quickly stood up and glared at the vampire. "Could you act human?" She asked.

"Not in our nature, sweetheart," The familiar southern-drawn accent stated, making Hayley turned around to see Jasper.

"We're gonna take you to our place tomorrow," Edward said, fixing the dent in Bella's truck with his vampire strength.

"Thanks," Bella said, looking at the fixed dent before turning to Edward. "Wait, like, with your family?"

"Yeah," Edward told her.

"What if they don't like me?" Bella said, worried.

"Seriously?" Hayley asked, turning to Jasper with a look of disbelief.

"So, you're worried not because you'll be in a house full of vampires, but because you think they won't approve of you?" Edward questioned.

"I'm glad I amuse you," Bella said with a small scoff.

Hayley noticed how Jasper tensed up from beside her. She frowned at as she quickly looked over at him. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Complication," Jasper simply replied before placing a kiss on her lips. "I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"Okay, bye," Hayley said, a confused look on her face.

The two vampires got inside of Edward's silver Volvo and drove off. A couple seconds later, a truck pulled into the driveway. Jacob quickly got out of the truck to get his dad's wheelchair from out of the back.

"Hey," Bella greeted. "Come to visit your truck?"

Jacob helped his dad into his wheelchair. "Looks good," He told her. "Got that dent out."

Darling ⇾ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now