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"yes ma'am"


Hayley joined Jacob outside as they waited for Bella's return. Jake was awkwardly leaning against the tree while Hayley listened for the footsteps and voices of the two vampires.

"I thought you were dead, ya' know," Jake said, not looking at the dhampir. "After Bella stopped breathing.. You collapsed.. I thought I lost both of you."

"I collapsed?" Hayley questioned.

Jake looked at her with a confused expression, "You don't remember?"

The mother shook her head. "All I remember is Bella gave birth to Renesmee," she said.

The wolf looked down. "After Renesmee was born, Bella died shortly after. A few seconds after she died, you called out for Jasper before you hit the ground. Your heart wasn't beating, Hayley," he told her.                         
Hayley bit her lip, "You know how a dhampir bonds with their protected, right? How I feel Bella's pain and know if she's in danger?" Jake nodded his head. "Well, if a dhampir's protected dies without having any children, the dhampir dies too."

"Bella dies, you die? And you were going to let Edward change her?" Jake questioned.

"It wouldn't be fair if I stopped her from being with the man she loves," Hayley quietly said.

"What about the man you love? What about your children, Hayley!" Jake exclaimed, pushing off the tree.

"Jasper and I knew the risks," she told him.

Jake let out a breath as he looked back down at the ground. "So, what now? Bella's technically dead," he said.

"Yes, she is. I felt our broken bond the moment I woke up," Hayley said, a sad look on her face. "Now, I'm Renesmee's dhampir. I will fight to protect her until the day she dies."

"She's also my imprint," Jake coughed.

"You're lucky Edward didn't kill you," Hayley said.

Jacob shrugged, "He did dislocate my shoulder."

"Eh, you're fine," she told him.

Two figures emerged from the trees, and Hayley's eyes brightened. She watched as Bella walked towards her while holding her husband's hand. Her brown hair was longer and healthier looking, her skin was smooth and pale, and her eyes were now a blood red. Unlike Hayley, Bella's body showed no sign of pregnancy. Her flat stomach and tiny waist was displayed nicely in the tight blue dress she was wearing.

"You look pretty good for a dead bitch," Hayley called out, running towards the vampire.

Bella smiled before wrapping her arms around Hayley. "Wow, you really do smell like nothing," she said, chuckling. "And I can't even hear your heartbeat."

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