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"you wanna try?"


While in the woods, exploring the gifts of the other vampires, it was discovered Bella had a gift of her own. It wasn't until Eleazar pointed it out, that everything finally made sense. The reason Edward was never to read her mind, and the way Hayley was always stronger than a newborn dhampir. Bella was born to be a vampire.

Their discovery was interrupted when the vampires and dhampirs heard footsteps running though the woods, followed by the wolves. They immediately took off after the trespassers, readying themselves for anything.

When the vampires and Hayley arrived on the scene, Jake and John were standing in front of two strigoi vampires. They were both dressed in black leather, their red eyes looking down on them from their seated position on a mossy rock.

"Vladamir, Stefan," Carlisle greeted, his voice cautious. "You're a long way from home."

"What are they doing here?" Kate whispered.

Hayley walked over to the wolves, making sure John was okay.

"We heard the Volturi were moving against you," Vladamir stated, his accent thick. "But that you would not stand alone."

"We didn't do what we were accused of," Carlisle informed.

"We do not care what you did, Carlisle," the blonde vampire replied.

"We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged," Stefan spit.

"It is not our plan to fight the Volturi," Hayley spoke up, stepping forward.

Their red eyes looked her over. "Shame," Vladamir said. "Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed."

"They enjoy a good fight," Stefan chuckled.

"Aro's witnesses?"

Vladamir clicked his tongue against his teeth. "Aw," he pouted mockingly. "Still hoping they'll listen?"


"When Aro wants someone from a coven, it's not long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime," Eleazar said, addressing the room of vampires, wolves, and dhampirs.

"So he's done this before?" Bella questioned.

"It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern," he said.

"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant," Carlisle said, his voice hoarse.

"This person always has an ability," Eleazar added. "And they're always given a place with the Guard."

"This is all about Alice," Edward stated. "He has no one like her."

When Alice envisioned the Voltuir coming for them, she and Florence disappeared. They left a note that gave them more questions than answers, and Hayley was beginning to worry about them.

"Which is why she left," Bella said.

"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett asked.

"To spread the word that justice has been served," Micheal said, spreading his arms for dramatic affect. "So every vampire, wolf, or dhampir that doubts their power is reminded-- don't."

"He's right," Alistair spoke up. "After he slaughters an entire coven."

The Irish coven grabbed each others hands, and the Egyptian coven gathered their things to leave. "Benjamin, Tia," Amun sighed, "we're leaving."

"And where will you go?" Edward questioned, his arms crossed over his chest. "What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina or Kate or anyone else with a gift? Anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will. For the sake of my family. But also for yours. And for the way you wanna live."

Hayley grabbed Jasper's hand, smiling up at her husband. She was proud of Edward. She knew everyone needed some encouragement, and she was glad he stepped up.

The wolves stood, John making eye contact with Hayley and nodding his head. "The packs will fight," Jack announced. "We've never been afraid of vampires."

The Denali coven rose. "We will fight."

Garrett stepped forward, "This won't be the first time I fought a kings rule."

"We'll join you," Benjamin said, holding Tia's hand.

Amun looked to his son. "No," he said.

"I will do the right thing, Amun," Benjamin assured. "You may do as you please."

"We will stand with you," Zafrina said.

The Irish coven stood up. "So will we."

"Hell, you know we love a good fight," Micheal smirked, the other dhampirs standing behind him.


Hayley stood outside with Bella, helping her expand her powers. With Jane and Alec on the field, their powers combined would incapacitate a lot of them. With training, they were hoping to help Bella project her shield to others to help them.

It was difficult for the newborn to use her powers, and Hayley could tell it was beginning to become frustrating. Kate smirked, looking over to Edward. "I think she needs something to motivate her," she said.

Edward nervously stepped forward. "No," Bella said immediately.

"It's alright, I can take it," Edward assured, yet he didn't sound convinced.

"He says that now," Garrett mumbled, and Hayley laughed.

"Focus, Bella, or he's gonna be hurting," Emmett told her.

Hayley watched as Kate held her hand up to Edward, and the man nodded his head. "Edward, I'm not ready to do this yet-" Bella was cut off with his screech of pain.

Hayley started laughing as he hit the ground. "He's never made that noise before," she cackled.

"I'm sorry," Bella said. "I said that I wasn't ready."

"Dude, you're not motivating her," Emmett said.

Edward stood up, looking to his brother. "You wanna try?" He asked. Emmett put his hands up in surrender.

Bella concentrated again, but it wasn't enough. Edward cried out in pain as Kate latched onto his neck with her electric hand. "Kate!" Bella said firmly.

"You seem to lack incentive," Kate said, letting Edward go. "Should I go see if Renesmee's awake?"

"Are you crazy?" Bella asked, stepping forward.

Hayley placed a hand on the newborns arm, pulling her away from the blonde. "Deep breaths, Bella," she told her. "Just relax, okay? Don't force it, just take a deep breath and release."

Hayley stepped away and Kate held her hand up, looking to Edward. "Alright," she said. "This one's on full power."

Edward sent Bella a pleading look. Hayley watched nervously as Kate slowly placed her hand on Edward's forearm. Bella closed her eyes, focusing on her gift.

To everyone's surprise, Edward was fine. "It hurts, but it's bearable," he revealed.

Bella pulled her shield back and smiled proudly. "We should go again."

Edward looked to his brother. "Emmett?"

"I'm good," He said, shaking his head.

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