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"and days"


"I don't wanna go back," Hayley complained as she packed her bag.

"I don't either, darling, but Alice will kill us if we miss the wedding," Jasper told her, trying his best to put the bed back together. "Besides, aren't you the maid of honor?"

"Maybe," Hayley mumbled.

Jasper turned away from the broken bed and looked to his wife. "We've been gone for almost 4 months, Hayley," he stated. "I'm sure your mom and brother miss you. We can always come back."

"Good," she said with a smile. "We can come back to celebrate our one year anniversary."

"And our 5 years.. our 10 years," Jasper listed. "Whenever you wanna come back, we can."

The couple finished cleaning up the house and packing their things. Before they knew it, they were locking the doors and heading to the airport. Hayley was sad to leave the island, not wanting to accept that her honeymoon was really over. She missed her family, though. So, even though she didn't want to leave, she knew a lot of great people were waiting for her.


After their plane landed back in Washington, the couple went to the Cullens' house. Walking into the living room with their fingers intertwined, Emmett was the first to greet them with a big smile and hug. "Feels like I haven't seen you guys in forever," he said, pulling out away from the embrace.

Hayley smiled, "It's only been 4 months."

Emmett smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Break a lot of stuff?" He asked.

Hayley felt her cheeks heat up while Jasper shook his head. "Not the time, man," he told his brother.

Emmett chuckled, "Bella's outside with Alice, by the way."

Hayley nodded her head, letting go of Jasper's hand. "I'm going to go let her know we're back," she told her husband, walking to where Bella was.

When she got outside, the dhampir watched with an amused smile as Bella tried to walk in heels. The Swan girl shakily dragged her feet against the ground, the white shoes scraping against the dirt.

"I've never seen someone struggle so much," Hayley said, scaring Bella.

The Swan girl's eyes widened when she noticed Hayley. She quickly kicked off the heels and ran towards her best friend, embracing her in a tight hug. "I'm so happy you're back," she said.

"I'm happy too," Hayley told her.

Bella pulled out of the hug, "I wanna know everything."

Hayley let out a laugh and nodded her head. "We can have a sleepover at my place tonight," she suggested. "I still need to show my mom all the pictures I took."

"I would love that!" Bella said.


"Mom, I'm home," Hayley announced as she entered the house, Bella following behind her.

Ellen quickly came around the corner, a large smile on her face as she pulled her daughter into a hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you," she said, pulling out of the embrace to look over Hayley. "I see Jasper was feeding you well."

Hayley gasped, "Mom!"

"I'm joking, I'm joking," Ellen quickly said with a laugh. "You're practically glowing with that beautiful tan you got."

"I did not miss your jokes," Hayley mumbled walking past her mother. "I brought pictures."

The three girls looked through the pictures Hayley took on her honeymoon. Most of the pictures were of her and Jasper together, while the rest were pictures of the island and the multiple activities they engaged in. Her personal favorite was an off-guard picture of Jasper in the water, the sun was shining off of his blonde hair and a wide smile graced his face.

"These pictures are so beautiful, Hayley," Ellen admired. "Where did he take you?"

"Isle Hayley," she told them.

"He named an island after you?" Bella asked, her eyes wide.

Hayley nodded her head with a soft smile. "I don't know what I did to deserve him," she said.

"I'm glad you two had fun," Ellen said with a smile. "Hopefully not too much fun, though."

"Mom," Hayley groaned, rolling her eyes.

The older dhampir let out a laugh as she put the pictures down. "Lighten up a little," she told her daughter.

Hayley smiled at her mother and grabbed Bella's hand. "We're gonna go have girl talk in my room," she said, walking towards the stairs with Bella still in her grasp. "Night, mom!"

The two girls quickly fled upstairs to Hayley's room. Bella let out a sigh as she laid down on the bed, "Spill the details," she said.

"What details?" Hayley asked, her eyebrows raised in confusion.

Bella sat up and rolled her eyes. "Did you guys sleep together?" She asked bluntly.

"Of course we did," Hayley responded, her face flushed.

"What was it like?" Bella asked. "I don't mean to weird about this.. I'm just nervous."

Hayley smiled and sat down next to Bella on the bed. "Don't be nervous," she told her, letting out a sigh. "It was amazing. He was hesitant at first, but I assured him that he couldn't hurt me. We shared so many amazing nights.. and days."

"You weren't nervous?" Bella asked.

"I was," the dhampir said. "But I love Jasper more than anything. I knew he wouldn't judge or hurt me."

"I just feel like I'm going to mess something up," Bella said.

"So what? You make mistakes and you learn from them," she replied with a shrug. "Edward loves you. He won't care if you mess up."

Bella laid her head on Hayley's shoulder. "I'm so glad I have you," she said. "Thank you for calming my nerves."

"Of course," Hayley said, smiling down at the Swan girl. "I love you."

"I love you, too," she replied.

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