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"if only he came back"


3 months ago..

"She needs to know, Ellen," Mark Kenner told his wife as he placed a silver stake in his bag.

Ellen sighed as she sat down on the bed next to Mark. "I know, dear, and we will tell her when she's old enough. She hasn't even found her protected yet," she said.

Mark harshly zipped the bag closed. "She needs to be trained," he told her. "There are too many vampires in this town. They could figure out what she is and kill her before she even gets the chance to find her protected."

Ellen shook her head. "You don't know what it's like, Mark," she told him in a quiet voice.

Mark scoffed. "I may not know what it's like to find out that I'm a dhampir, but I do know what it's like to find out that my wife is a dhampir. I know what it's like to find out that vampires, werewolves, and a whole bunch of other supernatural shit roams the earth," he snapped.

"And look what it's done to you!" Ellen exclaimed. "You go out every night trying to hunt down and kill vampires when you're nothing but a human!"

Mark rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Oh, don't make this about me, Ellen," he sneered.

"You're going to get yourself killed, Mark." Ellen said. "You're going to be the reason those vampires find Hayley. You're the one putting us in danger!" She yelled.

"The hell I am!" Mark yelled back, grabbing his bag and walking towards the bedroom door. "I'm protecting you both!" He yelled again before leaving.

"Mark!" Ellen called out after her husband.

Ellen sighed. The two had been happily married for twenty-five years, but lately things had been difficult between them. Two years into the marriage, when Ellen was pregnant with Jack, she revealed her supernatural secret to Mark.

At first, Mark thought she was joking. It wasn't until after Ellen showed Mark her birth certificate that he believed her. The old piece of paper revealed that she was born in 1893, which surprised Mark. Ellen then explained that after she found her protected in 1928, she never aged again so she could watch over her protected and the future generations they would produce.

After that, Mark slowly began to lose it. He insisted that Ellen train him and teach him everything about the supernatural so he could protect his children. He began going out every night to try and find vampires so he could kill them.

A soft knock on the bedroom door brought Ellen out of her thoughts. She looked over to see Hayley slowly opening the door and peaking through.

"Hey, baby," Ellen greeted with a soft smile.

Hayley smiled back as she slipped into the room. "Hey, momma. Are you okay?" She asked.

Ellen nodded her head. "I'm okay." she assured. "We just had small argument, nothing serious though."

Hayley sat next to her mom on the bed. "You seem to be having a lot of those recently," she inquired.

Ellen sighed as she moved to hug her daughter. "I'm sorry, baby," she said sadly. "When your dad gets back, I promise I'll talk to him. We'll make things better."

Hayley snuggled into her mom. "I love you, mom." she told her.

Ellen smiled as she hugged her daughter tighter. "I love you too," she told him.

Ellen hated fighting with Mark. She hated that Hayley knew that they fought too. That's why she made the promise to her daughter that she would talk to Mark when he got home.

If only he came back home.

At exactly 4:37am, a knock on the door woke Ellen and Hayley up. Ellen quickly told Hayley to go back to sleep before rushing down the stairs to answer the door.

Two police officers stood on the other side of the door when Ellen opened it. They both had sad looks on their faces as they took of their hats. Ellen instantly knew why they were there and why her husband wasn't.

Tears formed in the older woman's eyes as she invited the police officers into her house. They then proceeded to tell her that her husband's body was found in an alleyway with his throat torn open. Ellen nodded her head, letting them know she understood as tears streamed down her face and sobs struggled to leave her mouth.

Ellen could physically feel the pain of losing her husband in her chest. She didn't know how to respond to everything else the cops were telling her. All she could think about was how she was going to tell her kids.

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