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"yeah, bella, since when"


The following months after the Cullen's left were hard, especially for Bella. She never talked to Hayley anymore, or any of her friends for that matter. Charlie often called her, asking for advice to help his daughter, but Hayley had nothing to give.

Hayley was also dealing with her own heartbreak, but she was dealing with it differently. Instead of moping around and crying all day, she trained. She grew closer with the wolves and her brother, who came to Forks to visit. Jack's arrival was unexpected, but welcomed in the hard times of Hayley's life.

Ellen did her best to comfort her daughter, but all Hayley insisted on doing was train. It was like she was angry at the world, and all she could do was fight. Ellen and Jack didn't mind training with Hayley, but she often lost control of her anger, which wasn't healthy. Ellen could tell she was just using training to distract herself from the truth.

Growing closer to the wolves was another welcomed thing. Hayley had grown the closest to John Call, as well as Nicole Lahote. With Nicole being the only female wolf, the two girls would often train with each other and hang out, both bonding over their shared love for photography.

It wasn't until February that Bella finally snapped out of her depressed mood. First, it was a movie night with Jessica. From what Hayley had heard, it didn't go well at all and Jessica was never going out with Bella again, but it was something. Next, Hayley got a call. The Swan girl stuttered a lot and made awkward conversation on the phone, trying her best to apologize and convince Hayley to come out with her.

Hayley, of course, agreed to go out with Bella. She had no idea what the Swan girl had planned, and decided not to question it when she saw a giant tarp covering something in the back of the truck.

"How have you been?" Bella asked Hayley, her voice quiet.

"Busy," Hayley answered. "My brother is visiting town, so I've been training a lot with him. I also met some new people, so I've been hanging out with them."

"That's cool," Bella said, nodding her head.

"How have you been?" Hayley asked, deciding the awkward conversation was better than the silence.

Bella adjusted her grip on the wheel as she swallowed thickly. "I miss him," she said.

Hayley sighed and looked out the window. "Me too," she mumbled.

The conversation stopped as the truck in front of a unfamiliar house. Hayley slowly unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the orange vehicle. She was about to ask whose house they were at, but Jacob called out to them as he ran towards the truck, answering her question.

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