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"really jake"


"I need to start working out again," Hayley mumbled to herself as Rose struggled to zipped up her dress.

"Oh, stop," Rose said, placing her hands on Hayley's shoulders. "The dress is only tight because Alice messed up your measurements."

"She used the same measurements as my wedding dress. I had to get a bigger bra too," Hayley stated, frowning.

"And that was months ago," Rose told her. "It's just relationship weight. It perfectly normal to gain a few pounds while on your honeymoon. Especially since Jasper learned to cook for you."

"Don't even get me started on him," Hayley said with a small laugh. "Every chance he got, he showed off his cooking skills."

Rose smiled, "Did you have fun?"

Hayley nodded her head. "The most fun I've ever had," she said.

"You make him so happy, Hayley," Rose said. "I'm so glad you're a part of our family."

"I'm glad too," Hayley replied. "I finally have a sister."

Once the two were finished getting ready for the wedding, Rose left to go find Alice and Bella so she could help with the bride's hair. Hayley decided to go find her husband, who was waiting for her by their assigned seats.

"Hey," Hayley greeted as she sat down next to him.

"You look beautiful," Jasper complimented, kissing her cheek.

"Thank you," she smiled, leaning into him.

Jasper wrapped his arm around her, "Have you seen Bella?"

Hayley shook her head. "She wanted me to wait until she walked down the aisle," she told him.

"You won't have to wait much longer," Jasper told her.

Edward took his place as the music began to play. Everyone stood up and turned their attention to the bride, who was walking down the aisle with Charlie by her side. Seeing her protected dressed in a beautiful wedding dress cause tears to fill Hayley's eyes.

Jasper handed her his handkerchief as he placed a hand on her back. Hayley took the piece of cloth and dabbed her eyes with it, making sure not to ruin her makeup.

Once Charlie handed Bella off to Edward, everyone sat back down and watched as the bride and groom stated their vows. Hayley couldn't help but think of her own wedding that she and Jasper had only a few months ago.

As Bella and Edward kissed, the crowd cheered and clapped. Hayley and Jasper smiled at each before sharing a small kiss of their own.


Hayley ran up to Bella and engulfed her in a hug. "You look so beautiful, Bella," she said.

"Thank you, Hayley," Bella said, pulling out of the embrace. "I don't know how I didn't fall."

Hayley laughed, "Because you were determined to get to Edward."

Edward smiled at the dhampir before looking at his wife. He wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her temple.

"I'm so happy for you guys," Hayley told them.

"We both are," Jasper said.


Emmett was the first to give a speech, which made Hayley laugh at his bold choice of words. Next was Jessica, then Charlie, and finally Renee. Hayley was up next, and she had no idea what to say.

She walked up on stage and grabbed the mic, clearing her throat. "When I first moved to Forks, I never expected to meet someone like Bella. She was awkward and shy, but also one of the nicest people I had ever met. She's now my best friend, and I can't picture my life without her. I'm glad you found Edward. I know he will love and protect you forever." Tears began to fill her eyes once more. "I love you, Bella Cullen."

Hayley left the stage and returned to her seat. Jasper handed her his handkerchief once more, and small smile on his face. "That was a great speech," he told her.

"Thanks," Hayley said as she wiped her eyes. "I don't know why I'm crying so much today."

"You're overwhelmed with emotion, darling," he told her, placing his hand on her knee. "Plus, everyone cries at weddings."


Upbeat music played as Jasper and Hayley danced together. He spun her around before placing his hands on her hips, the two of them swaying to the music. Jasper leaned his forehead against hers and smiled. He placed a kiss on her nose before pulling away and spinning her once more.

The sudden motion cause Hayley to become lightheaded. She stumbled back with her hand on her head as black spots filled her vision. Jasper quickly grabbed her and steadied her, his eyes full of concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Hayley nodded. "I just got really lightheaded," she told him, noticing Bella and Edward walking sneaking away.

"Are you sure?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah, yeah," she replied, not taking her eyes off the bride and groom. "Where are they going?"

Jasper looked back at the two before smirking, "Jake's here."

Using her enhanced hearing, Hayley listened to the sound of her protected's voice. She could hear Bella and Jake fighting, which caused her protective instincts to kick in.

Without anyone noticing, Hayley used her speed to get to Bella in seconds. She quickly pushed Jake back, her eyes glowing. "Her wedding, Jake? Really?" She questioned.

"Do you know what she's doing? How can you be okay with that?" He fired back, taking a step forward.

"Because I trust Edward," Hayley said. "I know Bella will be okay."

Jake scoffed, "You have too much faith in those bloodsuckers."

Hayley slammed her palms against Jake's chest, making him fly back. "Those blood suckers are my family," she said, the dizzy feeling coming back.

"Jake, enough," Bella said, her voice sad.

Jake shook his head. "Why are you doing this to me?" He asked.

"I love him," Bella said.

"Think of everyone that loves you," the wolf pushed. "Think about what Hayley is going to have to go through. She feels everything you feel. Including death. Right, Hayley?"

When the dhampir didn't respond, the two turned to the girl. They looked just in time to watch Hayley's eyes close and her body fall to the ground.

Within seconds, Jasper was beside his wife. "What happened?" He asked, caressing her cheek.

"She just collapsed!" Bella said, rushing to her friends side.

Edward and Carlisle appeared, and the blonde doctor knelt down beside the girl. Since vampires aren't able to hear dhampir heartbeats, he had to physically fell her pulse through the radial artery on her wrist.

"Take her inside," Carlisle told his son.

Jasper nodded his head and picked up his wife. He looked at her with a concerned look before using his vampire speed and rushing her into the house.


I accidentally posted chapter 45 last night 😳 sorry for the spoilers y'all read 😂

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