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:: January 03, 2022
:: Chairs of hope


No wings, no halo, not a guardian, nor an angel. Nowhere to be found when needed, can't save anyone when at worst. A person who can't take away sadness and provide an everlasting happiness. One who has arms but can't offer it for a hug whenever the bruises of brutality aches all over your little body. I am neither, and nowhere when you need me the most.

I am not like the birds who can fly to both of you when you call my name. I have no grasp over time, so I couldn't do anything to make you feel better and end all the sufferings at once. Only if I am powerful as the fate, you wouldn't be able to experience the pain I've felt. But they pulled me away, as she did the same to the both of you so we ended up being unreachable from each other.

It was like a sickness that no one could ever survive, or perhaps just me. The children around reminds me of the good old days that I was with you, playing with toys and laughing out loud as if there's no tomorrow. We all dreamt of having a home to live in, away from hatred and curses of the world. We wanted glee and peace, a love and attention. But we're not the same kids as before.

Two days after the new beginning, we met again. The moment you asked me to take you and live with me, several nights were wasted in shedding tears and agony. It was the time I realized that you're really facing the pain that I ran away from, or maybe even worse than what I had. It was devastating to imagine, but being powerless sucks. No one knows how much I am willing to give just to pull you away from the jail of the past that is hunting me now. I don't want you to have the same nightmares that I fought, but all I can do is to hope for it.

We're all worth it of home after all, and I know that you're the ones that I want to share it with.

:: Maya

Cryptic Words and Hidden LettersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora