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:: A note to the living universe, from Eve

I am a dreamer — a lover of deep thoughts, of reading between the lines of an art, of giving a different interpretation from my perspective, simply a woman molded throughout these years.

As a daughter, I have a respect for my parents. I have so much love to give, but not quite sure if there's that much that I can receive. I've got medals and achievements, but I consistently hear comparison and judgement for not being able to understand a few things. I'm undeniably a fast learner, with a short-term memory loss for knowledge, but can dig the deepest when remembering either the happiest memory from my chest, or the painful ones buried in my graveyard. I have a high trust in myself, but never enough in their eyes.

Nothing new.

I've got my vision on the future, not only for me but also for my younger versions. They have eyes on me, just like I have mine on them. I've seen their high hopes, I heard their wishes, I touched their hearts aching for me to take care of them. They're longing to be with the comfort where there's no fear of getting hurt, and nothing to be scared of. I want to give them the life they're telling me about; to play peacefully with me, to tell stories from school, to sing them lullabies when they sleep, to give them love that they want to feel. And I promised them a home, once I found mine.

Live for the hope of it all.

I know, I am not yet done living behind the words and poetries. But I'm sharing a part of me through these pages.

And just as one of the rarest times, I did not see Maya today.

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