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:: 2005, White walls


It is such an honor to finally meet the person that I will adore for the rest of my life. The little conversation we had the moment you peek from the door, I knew that you'll be a brave soul as time goes by. Growing up will make you face several obstacles that even I couldn't ever imagine, but I do hope for you to make it as your inspiration rather than a weakness. A battle with the war of life costs a lot, but you were born a fighter—and you will eventually have what is meant to be yours.

I believe in you, as you believe in yourself. I will fight with you silently, as you fight for your own. You may not see me standing beside you, but I'll be smiling full of pride, always proud of your courage, your shortcomings, and your wonderful existence. Trust me when I say that I am seeing more in you, and that's what you need to explore and live for.

a survivor of being unwanted,
a young one who'll prove herself
know that all the tears she'll shed,
will be worth reading like a masterpiece in a shelf.

:: Glee

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