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:: First voice, Kalliope

I was never a fond of writing something like this, but since that evening when I lost most of what I am and who I am, I treated each day as if it is my last. I am not perfect, I have mistakes and perceptions opposite from every logical and acceptable judgement of almost all, but I know myself that I have all the rights to believe what I want to believe. However, my side will never be heard. My truths will be just like an opinion, baseless and not important as of those whose mouths spit lies coated with sweet words, but everyone wants to hear and clap at. My moments were stolen, just like how they described my rights as a child of their trustworthy politician. I have been caged in silence, my story stands no chance against those who are privileged enough to twist the plot of reality.

I am no writer, but I must say—I have something to tell, too. Perhaps, starting on how I lived being a thief of their choice.

Born with a golden spoon in my mouth, rusting all its way down to poison me without even noticing. As a little kid who barely knows the world, I never thought how hard a life could be. Growing up in a family of both wealth and complications, my background comes at two sides: ideal and a curse. A glimpse of fantasy with a whole sack of reality. I may get what I want, but at a great cost.

My life was a mistake. For me to live, I have to kill. I didn't know it at first, but when someone's heart stopped beating, halfly because of me, I knew then that I am also responsible for that death. But what could I do? I was just a child.

I tried to make it right but the task seems impossible for me to make, and so I have to live with it; may not be forever but for this lifetime, at least.

I entered a small house with a long wooden chair. In front of it is a television which channels are supported by an antenna above our rusting roof. The two bedrooms have no doors, no beds, no windows; just cabinets, a mattress with messy sheets and pillows all over around. Beside our television is where the small kitchen is, a sink, and a comfort room. All are small, but filled with things and stuff.

It's past five in the afternoon when an old lady's voice asked me about how my school went. Of course, fine would be my answer.

But the moment I asked her what did she eat for the day, she answered me that she gave everything to the kids who need it the most. I couldn't be mad because seeing those kids outside playing around, I know that they deserved to have something in their stomach.

But I have nothing to offer to 'her.'

I left her watching in our living room and changed my uniform into jeans and loose shirt. I didn't mind my sweats from school and only prepared myself to go out.

I need to do something for our food, or else we'll definitely starve.

I trailed the narrow street full of unpleasant smell and garbages around. In a half court near our house, I called my cousins playing basketball with other kids and some teens.

As a grown up woman, I pursued them to go home before the night falls. I watched them until they are all gone from my field of vision and continue to walk my way out to a store nearby.

For a phone call.

I paid for the charge and started to dial one of the people I hate the most.

But after a tiring argument, I got nothing.

Not even a single cent.

There's only one way to make some profit tonight, since my beloved 'family' seems like still having her wine dinner in which she considered as a busy moment.

Fuck it.

I once again walked along a narrow street with only barks of dogs and bumping chains. After few minutes of turning left and right, I heard voices nearby.

A cheap beer was offered to me, in which I didn't refuse. The heat drew a line in my throat. Smooth yet rough.

They're always up for everything, especially stealing just to give something to our families once we all got home.

Few minutes of walking passed and they dropped me three blocks away from a man's manor. From here, I could even see its rooftop.

Just how lucky he is to live in a mansion, while we're out here, struggling to survive every single day.

I walked from where they dropped me, with hands inside my pockets. His guards greeted me and let me enter the house, but they didn't take away their gazes from me. They all know that I am the reckless daughter of their boss, but outside these walls, only few people knows who my parents are.

I am a disgrace that could stain their names—I accepted that long time ago.

I started to walk my way up to his precious library. This staircase alone is a hell of a torture for my legs, though I can easily get the hang of it.

I trailed the quiet hallway of his house with few of the bodyguards standing and some are roaming around. I turned to right and without knocking, I opened the second door to the left, with his name imprinted on it like those in an office building.

As soon as I entered, my mouth gaped in an instant. But then, I picked up myself, regained my posture and confidently look at him.

I sighed in frustration. I know that one day, I'll be in this situation. It took so long for me to be in these shoes, actually. I was expecting it to be a bit earlier.

The corrupt people of the law, standing beside him. Yet here he is, offerig a suitcase filled with money and deception. This is the extent he'll go just to cover up my existence and get away from his scandal.

It's either I accept the bribe, or I'll end up in jail, with no crime to pay, and only hoping for what's mine.

How cruel the world can be?

He fell silent. I saw how those men around glanced at him after hearing my statement. His silence alone already proved that whatever the things that came out from my mouth are true. I never steal from him because everything that I took from this house, he knows it. I have rights for it.

Rights that he's still denying up to this moment.

I smiled bitterly to myself. I took the suitcase, stole a glimpse of him who's now totally turning himself away from all the responsibilities he has on me.

I scoffed just to annoy him even more. I turned the knob of his door, with the huge suitcase in my hand but before I go, I dropped my last lines for him.

"You made a mistake, and I'm just making you pay for it. Pleasure comes with responsibility, and I hope you realized that by now."

I was about to leave when silence passed for seconds but before I could even shut the door, he responded in a low voice.

"You'll pay for yours, too."

Even if I have nothing to pay for.

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