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:: Third voice, Kalliope

Most of the time, freedom is both a stand and a right but for some, it is an aspect in which you can use for either a good cause or pure manipulation. Oppressors tend to take advantage of neutrality and sending away the contradictions, 'killing' their enemies and those with potential to be. But when the chair is about to change, lives of poor are in a temporary confinement of gold, false promises and wealth of abusive speeches that most of them believe—hoping for a new, free and prosperous world to live. Well, I can't blame them, I once asked for that and still asking for it.

To breathe and be free is a natural law of life. However, the reality seems to be more crucial than what we expected; especially when the power to rule is at stake.


It is defined as "a promise made with or confirmed by a pledge of one's honor." In consideration of a prisoner's release, he must fulfill the conditions of his freedom.

But for a masked samaritan of the society, it is a mere ticket for him to reach the chair and sit on it, like a spot in a theater where he'll be watching the selfishness of his own pride and hypocrite goals. The wondrous thoughts about his undying insincerity still linger in my mind.

I don't even want to believe that he's my father.

For months, we became walls. We built ourselves together. We picked up the pieces that we lost, and fix the shattered glasses that our friends in jail owned.

As much as I want to slap him back the money he gave in exchange of my friends' freedom, I was stopped before I could even do it. They didn't let me follow the chains towards the underworld of cruelty.

But for that sole moment alone, I didn't think about my pride just to have them back, but my family taught me to use what I have as a weapon, instead for bargaining. They told me that it's time to prove our worth. Whether we like it or not, everything revolves around money. And now that we have it, we should take the chance.

I followed them.

Until we found a moment to talk about law. The expensive pursuit of revenge.

"You can do that, my Kalliope. Why not give it a try?" they insisted in which I answered with a firm refusal.

I sighed and stay silent.

We continued our small business each day passing by, earning money in which we save up for something more valuable than just a mere wants.

That was our set-up for long.

We endure the criticisms and foul words from people around us who only knows how to gossip about something they want to talk and murmur about without looking at their own reflection and status.

It is really easy to point out someone's mistakes and flaws rather than seeing your own faults.

"It's campaign period! Our time to shine," my cousin uttered sarcastically. We laughed by those words.

At a young age, my cousins know what's going on around them. Seems like poverty paves way for a wealthy thoughts.

Campaign period is the time for incumbents to once again wear their facade and show how noble they are, even if we all know their true colors.

Parole is one of their decorations.

But even if they'll be hanging those precious stars, we wouldn't have a chance to take even just one of it. After all, it was my father who made the justice bend on its knees. It was the bribe, the connection, and the power that we will never have a match with.

Two years might be a blink of an eye for us out here, but not for those who are inside the bars. Not for our friends who chose to kept their mouths shut rather than spill the whole cup of tea.

The corner of my lips went up secretly, as I am starting to reconsider the thought.

Might as well make it worth the wait.

Only a matter of weeks, Sera was absolutely right about the campaign period. Grace blessed our roofs in forms of food, and a bit of money. It can be considered as vote buying but who the else would give a fuck about it? Take the money and leave, vote who you wanted to and chill.

Not all running for the position is up for a public service, though. However, still most of people can easily be blinded by popularity and few cents, hearsays and poor knowledge about backgrounds of the candidates speaking in front of them.

"You'll pursue it?" they asked in both enthusiasm and shock.

I nodded and smiled at them.

Dirtiest shit is the game, better know how to play it with a fucking clean cloth.

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