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:: A letter to a parallel universe, to Eve

I've seen you hope for the best version of yourself when you grow up — to escape from the cruel chains of the sins you have no idea about, yet continuously carrying the burden of it all. Enduring all those physical pain from the hands of your own family, shouting in grief because of that excruciating hit from your father's belt, cursing in your own mind at such a young age for receiving the hardest slaps from doing a simple mistake that kids normally do. I've watched you crying over the smallest things you should have but they don't want to give, for keeping you behind the closed doors of your own house like a prisoner, guilty of the crime of existing when you should not.

Despite all those hardships you went through, you dreamed. You helped yourself to dream in the midst of darkness and grief. You walked on your own path, and travel the road of light where you can heal from the past — and heal other's present.

With a white coat as your uniform, I smiled as I see you roaming around the hallways of your new abode, dwelling in the comfort of solace in the presence of strangers you just met. With the charts on your hand and a pen, you're writing their vitals. You keep their lines running, listening to their heartwarming stories, empathizing in the woes of another person, somehow seeing a part of you from their point of view, and sometimes you watch them fading away from the life they used to have — and only you know how hard you hope that they live a worthwhile years.

In the tip of your fingers, someone's life is saved — and there will always be more that you can do for them. And if this letter fall into your healing hands, I want you to know that I couldn't be prouder knowing that you've reached the key out of your childhood jails.

You saved your past. Now, you're treating the present of those who needs healing, and saving their future — including yours.

Oh, and I know that you always remember Maya. Keep doing so, for she is the peace we're all longing for.

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