Chapter 1: Lost Sensations

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(Corky: Prepare to be a deer faunus. Also trigger warning)

Today would be like any other. At the crack of dawn you heard the thundering of boots rushing up into the attic before hearing a distinct unlock on the attic entrance. The stairs would eventually slide down with a few sickening cracks from the old and dusted wooden steps before hearing the inevitable continue its way towards you.

Of course, you believed that maybe your parent’s view of you would change from you serving them as if they were your gods. They still seemed to take the same route when waking you.

Tai: Wake up you little shit!

Ah…and so it began…but…maybe for today…just for today…it could be better…

As you hypnotized yourself with the hope of a better day than the rest, a loaf of bread covered with baked in stones smacked the back of your head. A small, but well-earned yelp and whine was all that could be heard after the audible impact of the loaf smacking the back of your head. you slowly sat up and curled into a ball, but only to feel something wet dripping down the back of your head…it was of course your own blood.

As careful as you could, you placed a hand on the back of your head to stop the bleeding.

Tai: eat up, and get down here in 10!- you got shit to do!

Y/N: y-yes sir…-


You heard your adoptive fathers boots slam down as the noise got closer, before shouting out in fear, and submission.

Y/N: Yes sir!

Tears began to fall slowly as you backed further into the corner of the attic, smacking into a few boxes and injuring yourself further. You could hear the dark chuckle for Tai and a few echoes of laughter from both Ruby and Yang.

Eventually, you heard the echoing of Tai’s steps as he went back downstairs before grabbing the loaf of stone infested bread before inevitably taking a bite out of it. Sickening crunches and gagging quickly ensued as you forced to eat almost every bite.

Sure, your mouth was quick to bleed, and your stomach felt as if it was being torn from the inside-out…but at least you ate something, right?

Tai: Are you done yet mut!?- get down here and make yourself useful!

With a sorrowed sigh, you stood up on two wobbly feet before approaching the attic exit leading into the main portion of the house.

Y/N: today will be different…

With blank hopes and blind trust, you stepped down from the attic.

Upon entering the main room, your top ears quickly captured the wind as you walked into the kitchen.

Immediately you receive a small stone smacking your already shaky legs, causing you to stumble further before falling face first. You did your best to stifle a cry before looking up to see both yang and ruby standing over you, with Ruby holding her slingshot in her hand, and Yang, a glass of grape juice in her hand. Both had an evil grin plastered on their faces as they chuckled and laughed at your stumble.

Yang: hey Y/N~

You looked up at them both with a fake smile before speaking up.

Y/N: h-hi yang…hello ruby…that was a good shot- AH!

Immediately after speaking, you felt a dull and intense pain shot through your left leg. As you speaking to Yang, Ruby took it upon herself to step down on your leg and apply pressure.

A New Perspective: The Blind Faith (Blind reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now