Chapter 26: Embers To A Flame (part 2 short)

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You polished and cleared the steel of any deformities before submitting it it to the burning furnace before you.

You'd been at this for almost 3 hours now...and the crowd watching hadn't decreased or left yet...

As of now, you wanted to clear the Banshee of any left over Grimm like bone corruption on its frame. Though had begun to find it difficult to cull the strange bones on your bow and walking stick.

In the meantime however, you had managed to repair and fix any damages made to the Banshee during your sea ward travel, and your escape from Salem...but...

Why wouldn't the bones come off?

Grinding the bones only wore out the whetstone slab on the grinder.

Chipping it away with a chisel would've cracked the frame.

And fire seemed to have little to no effect on the white armor.

You sighed aloud as you took the Banshee's main frame structure out of the fire...the bones remained...

Y/N: no good...

Your shoulders sagged as you carefully made your way to the forge's work table, and carefully setting down the banshee.

The boy's weight bent and almost cracked the wooden table as it began to creak under the strain. Only letting out a small vibration that shook up the batch of newly made arrows.

Ghira: are you sure these aren't spears?

Ghira chimed in as you heard his footsteps now enter the forge.

Y/N:'s the only thing that Banshee Banshee can fire without breaking it under pressure...

Ghira: I see...and you just carry all of these, and your belongings with you? all times?

Y/N: Yeah...I never know what kind of fight I'm gonna be in, and now they might only get harder from here on out. So I need to be ready with for anything that may come my way-

Your words were cut short as sweat discomfortly ran around your eyes...

Y/N: u-uh...I'm sorry, but can I just...

You spoke through heaves of bated breath as you wiped the sweat off your have also been covered in sweat for the past few hours as well...

Y/N: ah screw it...

Deciding the discomfort was enough, you unbuttoned and removed your bartender like attire before being left only in your pants.

After that motion your ears quickly picked up the sound of...female cheering?...strange...

Y/N: much better!

You triumphly called out as you picked up a few of the Banshee's parts.

Kali: impressive...

Kali complimented from a work bench next to Ghira.

Ghira: I see why you were able to easily take down my guards now...

You blushed out of embarrassment while rubbing the back of your head.

Y/N: n-nothing to special...just built for what needs done is all...

You made mention as you polished the untained inner pieces before placing them in the fire to be cleaned of any abnormalities.

As this all happened you couldn't help but let out a lipped smile as every teaching Tank had taught you in the past was paying out in strides.

Once the prices were done, you used the forge tongs to take them out one by one before using your hammer to shape them to the needs of the frame.

Y/N: and now for the final part...

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