My Nose Doesn't Glow!!!

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You walked into a room with the assistance of Sinna Kahn herself

Y/N: phew!- I can't remember the last time cold weather made me...w-well...cold...

You heard sienna chuckle as she helped you take off the hand-me down jacket she had...unknowingly stolen from a nearby shop...

Sienna: yes...winter and it's holidays are some on the very cold side compared to most places...

Y/N: o-oh!- speaking about places...where did you bring me?...I haven't been using my semblance to see, soooo....

Your voice trailed off as your question lingered...but strange enough...your ears may have been deciding you, heard your voice echo a bit...not unlike the warehouse you were at with Neo and Roman...but cmsome place bigger?

Sienna: *chuckle* welcome to the white fang HQ...

Your white hazed eyes widened with excitement as you attempted to hide your curiosity.

Y/N: o-oh!...that' u-um... so why here? You had to guide me through alot of snow...

Sienna: well...if you must know... it's Christmas...

Y/N: eh?...Christmas?

Sienna: w-wait...are saying you don't know what Christmas is?

You shrugged your shoulders in a moment of confusion before-

Y/N: Oh!- wait a minute!- is it the day where some random fat guy in red comes down to eat your cookies!?...

You lifted your walking stick before shifting it into a bow...nocking a heavy arrow as you readied to fire away...

Y/N:  I'll guard the cookies!

Sienna: wait, wait, wait, wait Y/N!!!

You undrew the arrow in your bow in confusion...

Sienna: t-thats...w-well...first off that is hilarious...but

You listened closely as she approached you...placing a hand on the on you were using to hold your bow, urging you to relax.

Reading the small yet crucial signal. You shifted your bow into your walking stick while placing the arrow in your pack...

Sienna: u-uh...if you don't mind me asking...who taught you what Christmas is?

Y/N: Oh!- that would be my master!

Sienna: i-...I see...and he told you this?


Sienna: wait, what?- what do you mean no?

Y/N: eh...kinda weird to tell but...I remembered staying up late...waiting for the big red guy to appear...I remembered this because I memorized all of the squeaky floor boards in the house! So there as no way he was gonna get past me...but I kept getting hungry...

Sienna: and allow me to made a big plate of cookies for yourself.

You nodded excitedly as the memories were now coming at full swing.

Y/N: Yeah!-

Sienna: OK, that I understand...but why did you have your bow ready to kill?

Y/N: to get him to stop eating all the cookies...

Sienna: y-you...ok, fine...continue on with your story...

Y/N: OK!- uh...where was i- Ah, on that night however, I was almost ready to give up to a good nap...but then I heard it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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