Chapter 24: Sympathy V.S Empathy

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You sat up with the help of the woman named Kali before feeling somthing soft under you...unlike before when you had waken up in a stiff cot in Vale, you had come to find yourself in a high quality bed with fluffy pillows.

Kali: careful...

Kali helped you sit up right before placing a glass in your hand.

Kali: it's filled with fresh water. Go on and take a sip

A little distrusting, you gave a quick sniff before noticing that it was actually water...huh...

Could you trust her?

Taking a small sip, your dried throat was almost immediately taken over by greed. The refreshing liquid was gone as you down the contents of the glass without a second thought.

Kali: o-oh my, I'll get you another! Here...

You felt a soft hand guide your own as She began to pour water into the empty glass.

Kali: drink it a bit slower please...

You nodded

Y/N: t-thank you...

You drank the water once more, but this time with a bit of cooth, instead of chugging the contents like it were your last.

But with a relaxed and relieved sigh, you spoke up after finishing the water in your glass once more.

Y/N: thank you again...

You heard the woman chuckle to herself before speaking.

Kali: it's no issue young then...let start with introductions...shall we?

A small shiver ran down your spine as you felt the air around the room change...

Could you really trust her?...

Gulping down hard in nervousness, you put the same face you had when speaking to Salem.

As of now, you were in a place where you truly didn't know where you were, and no way in knowing in who or what you may be fighting on your way had to play this safe

Y/N: name is Y/N...

Kali: "Y/N"...? Interesting...and your last name?

You looked down in

Y/N: I-i don't have one ma'am...

Kali:...your parents?

You shook your head

Y/N: I've never met them...

You heard a sigh from the lady before hearing her speak again.

Kali: I see...any foster pare-

Y/N: I would really appreciate if we don't speak about them...p-please...a-and sorry...

There was a small pause but...givin that you were now holding and gently rubbing your shoulders in your own discomfort...Kali seemed to understand this before noticing your heightened breathing at the topic...

The wounds were still fresh from Beacon...


Kali: I see...I won't push further on the matter, but if you wish be on better terms with the people of Menagerie, then you have to tell us about yourself...can you do that for us?...

You though about for a moment before realizing somthing

Y/N: "us"...?

Almost immediately, you heard wooden floor boards underneath the bed begin to creak as a large person began to move.

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