Chapter 26: Embers To A Flame

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Although you couldn't see the shape of what the flame held within its embrace, you managed to find its size...

Big...very big...

Way longer than banshee...and probably twice as heavy...

But what was strange was when you had begun to approach the object.

As if reacting to your motion, the size of the flame seemed to retract and grow smaller in size before floating a bit closer to you...


There wasn't a response...not from Tank atleast...but...what you felt from the flame was clear...

Stepping forth once more, you could've swore that both Kali and Ghira were calling out your name, couldn't hear them...

With arms outstretched infront of you...with the words from your only father figure...words that he had once said to you...and later during your time with him...told you the rest...

*flash back*

Y/N: So back could you tell that-...that these were...

You felt around your neck...before your sight was taken, you remembered the several brutal rashes and marks were left even after the beatings...

Tank placed a hand on yours as he guided your hand onto your smiting hammer.

Tank: "There is a mild difference between the injuries nature can cause... compared to the injuries another person can do" you remember when I had said that to you?

You nodded as you swung your hammer down on the hot metal...but you missed...

Y/N: dang it...

Tank: a little to the right...

You swung again after readjusting...but you missed again.

Y/N: aw come on!!!

You wanted to throw away your.hammer in frustration, but Tank immediately grabbed your hand before you could make the motion again...

Tank: let's take a break...

You sighed aloud as tears formed in your eyes. You then sat down on the ground near the furnace...allowing its heat to warm your body.

Tank stood in your place near the anvil as he began to swing the hammer...

Embarrassed and ashamed of.yoyr inability to learn under Tank, you held your knees close to your chest as you curled into a ball...

Tank: "passing embers"...

The quoted phrase of words reached your ears...and...curiosity got the better of you...

Y/N: w-what?...

Tank: that's what it's called... that's how I knew...

Y/N: I don't-...I don't get it...

You heard him chuckle as you heard his hammer strike the metal before him.

Tank: we are all flames that feed the fire that keeps this world alive         Y/ children, we are but little flickers of sparks and wilting flames
...but by the embers givin by the fallen, or by those we are watched over...they give life and a chance to burn brighter...

He continued to strike the metal with his hammer as he unfurled yourself as your attention was now on Tank entirely...

Tank: when we first met...when you were on the verge of death, and about to flow along the Grimm infested lands...when your antlers were the only thing clinging onto my deck...I saw a broken, and shattered flame...

A New Perspective: The Blind Faith (Blind reader x RWBY)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt