Chapter 12: During The Break

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After sitting impatiently inside what was called a "bullhead" to why they named a large airway transport the head of an animal, you didn't know...

But after the ride, Glynda guided you to the exit ramp down.

The feeling you immediately got
was...confusing to say the least...

A strange feeling of both hope, and encouragement, but...there was a weird divide you couldn't put you finger on...or something else to it...a menagerie maybe?

As your mind drifted off to the sound and the feeling of wind whistling through your antlers, and your body, you couldn't help but close your eyes to take it in with a deep breath of fresh air.

Glynda: would you like it if I were described the scene before you?

Your eyes shot open in a bit of you hadn't really been asked that before...

Y/N: o-oh!- yes please!

You heard her chuckle before feeling her demeanor change slightly.

Glynda: hmm~...a stone path lays ahead of you. Along it several light poles that brand the schools colors, and banners of other kingdoms. Along the path stands tall and strong pillars that bridge put to one another at their peaks in an incomplete circle. Within this circle however, stands a large scrapes the skies and clouds while standing tall above even some mountains. The entrance of this castle, and it's thousands of different facilities sit at the opposite end of the pillared entrance with a fountain in front of that enough?... could see it clear as day...

Never have you ever been told about the details of an area, nor to such a great degree of just blankly did want one detail...

Y/N: a-are there any plants around?

Glynda: ah...tall and vibrant green trees stand tall near and far from the stone path... Along the pillars, vines hold with bushes sitting beneath them...with in the area of the castle however. Meticulously placed trees and varied vegetation stand in a perfect is that?

Y/N: I....I can almost see it...t-thank you mo-....
Y/N: Ms. Goodwitch... could've been put of pure bliss and ignorance...or would be lying if you said Glynda didn't feel like a Mother to you...

Glynda: I...hmm...I'm going to let that go this time...but do not understand any circumstances make that mistake when there are other students around... understand?

You embarrassedly nodded like an idiot before bowing your head down.

Y/N: Y-yes ma'am!

Glynda pov

Oh God that was I know what those girls meant by...what was it called again?..."shota"?...I was almost happy he was about to call me mom...

Y/N pov

Y/N: so, uh...where to now?

Glynda: *ehem*...sorry...yes, let's go...

Y/N: o-ok...

You held up the leash that was attached to your collar.

Glynda: Y/N....what is that?...

Y/N: hm?- oh, my leash? It's to pull me arou-

Glynda: I know what it is used for...but wh-...why do you even have that?

Y/N: w-well...that's because I can't hold hands with someone u-unless...uh... we're married...

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