Chapter 18: A Heart of Grimm

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Looking into the dark hallway, you saw Ozpin standing in the hallway...he was looking at you with a saddened expression.

You got into a fighting stance before drawing your bow towards him.

But instead of watching him prepare for a strike. He instead brought a hand up to signal a temporary peace.

He mouthed something, but you couldn't understand him.

Y/N: I'm sorry, sir, but... I can't hear you now... I can see 

You fought to smile

He looked at you with a confused and amused expression before holding up a small tablet for you to see.

Ozpin: Alarm?

You read the words before making your reply

Y/N: Yeah... I didn't want people to get hurt,'s the only way I can get away from them...

You felt the large wave of anger you felt... guilty...nolonger angry...

He typed again.

Ozpin: "Them"?

You felt your anger wane and slowly diminish... but your antlers refused to go back to their translucent crystallized state.

Y/N: Before my real adoptive dad... I was with another family... The Rose family...

Your mind shifted focus to the current situation as you felt your heart clench.

Y/N: When summer was gone for so long...Tai...Ruby, and Yang... they turned on me... They are the ones that took my eyes...

Your own voice bounced within your head as you felt your anger come back with a vengeance. The grip on the banshee tightened once more.

Ozpin gave a concerned and questioned gaze at you.

But although Ozpin seemed to have noticed this. He didn't take any action against you...this...kinda confused you...

Ozpin brought up his tablet again as he typed up his response...

Ozpin: And you saw them?...

You nodded

Ozpin typed again...

Ozpin: Hostile?

You paused for a moment... and something began to slowly dawn on you...

They didn't come to you with the intent to kill or harm you... They just wanted you back with them...

But you couldn't...

Your own fear kept you from them...

You could feel your hatred slowly turn into sadness and guilt... Your mind felt as if it was torn in two.

But as those emotions too did your antlers...

A painful shift and crack was felt on the top of your head, as you cried out.

The right antler began to shed its crusted outer black layer before showing its original crystal look, but the left remained blackened and oozing the strange dark substance

The dysfunctional and dissynchronize motion of your antlers and horn shot pain all the way into the soles of your feet.

Then, in a flash of light, the right antler blasted its outer shell before giving off its warm white shine...coincidencentally, the hearing on your right side had come back...but you couldn't see out of your right eye now...

What and why was this happening!?

You tried closing your left ey... the  white painted silhouette of Ozpin himself, and whatever the light could touch, filled the right eyes vision.

A New Perspective: The Blind Faith (Blind reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now