Chapter 27: A Life Not Lived

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You opened up your eyes to find your self in...

A field of tall lush green grass, with flowers sprouting from under the green

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A field of tall lush green grass, with flowers sprouting from under the green.

But the land before you was somewhat dark, only being lit up by the-

But the land before you was somewhat dark, only being lit up by the-

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Shattered moon...

You looked up in wonder and awed beauty as you felt a calm and cold gust of wind pass by you...

The grass brushed against your body as they bent to the winds flow...

Calmed by the ambient scene before you. You began to step forth while letting your hands brush against the tall grass that stood before you...

But... felt as if you knew why you were dreaming this...

Or atleast...

"Why" you were dreaming this...

To be reminded. You haven't seen the shattered moon in a very long time...abd you have never actually "seen" a field like this before...

So why now?

The question rang in your mind for a moment, but the strangely calm and soft sound of wind rustling the tall grass around you placed your mind in other subjects on that matter...

All there was present was the calmness that now stained your heart in joyful song...

As of this point in time...your mind has never been in this level of stillness before...

You stepped further into the field, allowing your mind to drift while focusing on slowing down your hurried breathing...and is was when your breathing had turned into that of a natural and eased breathing tempo...

That you saw a tree...

With such an obscure structure protruding out and much taller and could you mind not tell you not to go there?

You walked for what felt like just minutes, yet if some one were to peer into your dream. They would've been shocked at the hours you took to simply slowly walk and make your way to this wayward tree...

A New Perspective: The Blind Faith (Blind reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now