Chapter 17: A Pillar of Light...And The Black Stag...

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A pair of light footsteps could be heard...

Y/N: Neo?...Sienna?...

Feeling a moment of anxiousness begin to set down on you, you began to tightly grip your walking stick in defense.

Blake: You know them?

Y/N: Blake?- whew!- don't scare me like that!

You heard her chuckle before hearing and feeling her approach.

As she did so, you continued to pick up around the forge

Y/N: what's up? I thought you'd be back at the dorms by now...

There was a moment of silence as you heard her lean on one of the armor stands. The sound of chain mail getting placed under light pressure made her actions obvious to the point you could almost make out her entire shape.

Blake: well...I just thought I would come and talk to you...

Y/N: o-oh!...u-uh...thank you!

You smiled happily...but then confusion began to set in...

Y/N: um...if I may ask...why?

Blake: why what?...

Y/N: I-I mean! I don't mind t-that you want to talk to m-me!- b-but...why me?...

There was a small pause of silence as the sound of the crackling forge fire filled the room.

Blake: *sigh*...the truth had a nightmare last night...right?


Both shocked and confused you were sent spiralling into a whirlwind of emotions...did she know?- did she hate you now?- is she black mailing you?

So to both calm began to forge...

Y/N: y-yes...I just brought up some things I didn't want to be reminded of...

You picked up a few slabs and ores of various metals and different types of wooden planks before setting it on the table near the forge.

Blake: I see...

You placed the metal in a crucible before hoisting it up and placing it into the forge.

Blake: Y/N...have you always been blind?...

Deciding to just focus of smelting and just shook your head...

Blake:...did you loose it?...or was it taken?...

You didn't answer... gave a simple summary...

Y/N: name is Y/N...I'm a deer faunus blacksmith who's blind...I want to experience what the world has in store for me...and I don't like dwelling on the things that placed me

The scar over your eyes stug for a moment...a cruel reminder in such a conversation...

Y/N: what happened before...

The room was silent once more...but now the metal was done smelting.

You hoisted the pot of molten metal with a pair of smithing pliers before slowly dumping it on the anvil.

Seeing as the metal was still plastered and liquidly, you slowly cooled down the hot mixed steel while using the pliers to keep it from deforming.

Blake: that wasn't my question...

Y/N: Blake...please...I-I don't want t-

Blake: is that what friends are for then?

For a moment you faced away from the molten metal you were shaping to face Blake.

A New Perspective: The Blind Faith (Blind reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now