Chapter One

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It all started when I was in 4th grade. That's when I really started playing soccer. I had this attachment to it, even when I first played it. My mom always used to say she practically had to drag me off the field to get me to stop playing. Soccer isn't the same anymore though. The game is still important to me, it's my life saver. Without it, I don't know if I could've lived through some of the things that had happened in my past. It makes me forget, even if it's only for a couple hours.

In 6th grade, my mom was walking me home from school. It was about 6 o'clock because I had had soccer practice after school, and she went to every, single, one. Anyways, we were walking home, it was slightly windy, and the sun was going down, it was about a 15 minute walk from the school to my house, so we didn't think twice about it, we've done this routine for months.

But, this one day, it was different. Mom kept telling me to walk faster, she said something didn't feel right, she said she felt as if someone was watching us. I didn't really realize at the time that she was being serious, and was actually afraid. We were about 5 minutes away from our home, when this man, I'd never seen him before, pulled me into this rocky alley, between two houses. I remember every second of that day. I was screaming, my mom was screaming, even the man was screaming. He had pulled out a knife, said if we kept screaming he would hurt us.

My mom didn't listen, she yelled at me to run, run to the house, not to look back. Of course I did what I was told, but not at first. My mom, she tried to fight back, told him she would give him anything, just as long as he didn't hurt me. I was balling my eyes out, and my mom just kept telling me to run, go get my dad, bring him back here. After that, it was kind of a blur, all I remember was running, running faster than I ever thought I could. I remember my dad picking me up because I wasn't as fast as him, I remember police, the sirens, people asking me questions. I remember my mom, laying on the floor, not moving.

She died that day, she died because she told me to run, so I could save myself. I don't blame myself for my mom's death, I know that's what she wanted me to do, and I know she knew what was going to happen. My mom was a hero, even if she doesn't have a cape, or powers. She put my life first, and I'll never forget that.

My name is Riley Anderson, I'm now a Junior in high school, I'm from Prescott, Arizona. For my Junior year, my dad and I are moving to Spring Valley, California for my dads work. Plus he said it would be good for some change. Meaning he wanted to get out of our old house. We hadn't moved since my mom died, up until now. I am losing my childhood friends, but I'm not all that mad that we are moving, I want change, I was going to leave at some time anyways.

Our stuff is getting driven to the city while we fly to California. We're on our way now on the plane, about 30 minutes left until we land. I'm afraid, afraid of what it's like there, moving into a new home, the new school I'm gonna go to, and who I'm gonna meet. I can feel in my gut, something big is going to happen.

Author's Note

Credit to @ allthgdusrnmsrtkn for creating an amazing new cover for my book. Lots of love ❤️

So that's the end of the first chapter! You really only get to know about Riley's past a bit. And it was a pretty sad first chapter, but it will get a lot better I promise! stay tuned for more chapters to come and I hope you liked the first one!

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