Chapter Sixteen

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Brooke's POV

I didn't realize at first what came out of my mouth. I hadn't meant to say we were together, because we weren't, we kissed, once.

The boys in front of us were giving Riley and I dirty looks, like we were some kind of aliens from another planet. They quickly skated away, moving onto their next victims.

There was still silence between Riley and I, we still didn't move out of the spot we were previously in, but her arms were still wrapped tightly around my arm.

"Uh, I-I didn't mean to say that." I quickly spoke, feeling my face turn tomato red.

She turned her head to look at me, "Its okay, it got them away from us, and maybe one day we will be together." I mentally smiled at her statement. It scared me, thinking about us being together, the looks people would give us, what they would say behind our backs, or to our faces.

Riley brought be back from daydreaming by kissing my cheek, she whispered into my ear, sending chills down my whole body, "You're cute when you blush." Which inevitably made me blush even more.

She let go of my arm, and tried speeding away from me, which I may add, she failed at, terribly. Riley was one of the slowest skaters I've ever seen.

I quickly caught up to her, grabbing her arm, so she couldn't go anywhere. She started uncontrollably laughing, causing her to fall on her ass. She continued to laugh. I stared at her questionably, wondering if she had gone crazy.

"I'm-I'm so slow!" Riley spoke, in between giggles. Her laugh was like paradise, it made me feel warm inside, it comforted me. I held out my hand, waiting for her to grab it so I could pull her up.

She willingly took it, but once she got back onto her feet, she pulled me into a hug. "Thank you," she mumbled into my shoulder.

"For what?" I wrapped my arms around her waist, while hers were around my neck.

"For getting me out of my house, for listening to all of my problems, for being here." A small smile appeared on my face.

"Anytime." I spoke softly.

We skated around for about another 45 minutes until both our feet started hurting. "You hungry?" I asked while we were putting our regular shoes back on.

She looked up, her eyes meeting mine. Those green eyes seemed to pull me into another world. "A little bit." I was brought back to reality.

"Where would you like to eat?" Riley slightly shrugged her shoulders, "Doesn't matter."

I decided to surprise her, "Alright, well lets go, I'll find a place."

I knew this place, about 10 minutes away, just a little hole in the wall, that not many people know of.

It's nothing special, but personally, I think that they have the best food in the city.

Riley didn't question where we were going, she just looked out the window the whole time.

I parked my car in an empty spot, which was almost every spot in the lot, but it was always like that.

Not many people know about this restaurant, it's virtually unknown. I still proceed to walk through the door and greeted by the usual man.

"Hey Brooke! Usual table? I see you've brought someone." His kind voice spoke to us.

"That would be a yes and yes for both. How are you Gabe?"

I kept talking to him until he took us to my usual table in the corner of the small restaurant. Gabe handed us both menu's, but he most likely knew I would want what I always get.

"The usual order, like always." I handed back my menu and looked up at him.

Gabe gave me a pearly smile and turned to Riley. "How about you beautiful." He called everyone that, he knew if I brought a girl here, she was with me.

"I'll just have the same thing as Brooke." He quickly nodded his head and took the menu from her also.

"So you come here a lot I see." She turned towards me and gave me a bright smile.

"Yeah, it's kind of my favorite place. I come here a lot when I need to think or when I'm hungry." I lightly laughed.

"Oh so this isn't a place where you bring people to impress them?" Riley raised her eyebrows and smirked.

Before I could answer our food had arrived, and we began digging in.

Time quickly passed as we talked about meaningless stuff. I checked my phone to see that it was almost 8.

"I probably should take you home now." A soft smile plastered on my face.

She checked her phone, also checking the time. "Yeah, you're probably right."

I paid the check, and we started walking out the door. Gabe of course was waiting for us. "Have a good night." And while Riley wasn't looking, he winked at me. Oh boy.

I hadn't noticed before, but it was sprinkling a bit. We jogged to my car, and I turned the heater on a bit.

"Thank you again, for today." My engine roared to life, "anytime. I had a lot of fun." I replied.

"Me too." She spoke as I drove out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

It was pretty quite the rest of the way home. Bad blood was currently on, one of the many songs that were over played.

I parked outside of her house, and we both got out of the car. I walked her to her front door, like a good person I am.

"Goodnight Brooke." Her eyes wandered my eyes, looked down to my lips, then wandered back to my eyes. I really wanted to kiss her.

"Goodnight Riley." I barely noticed, but she leaned in just a bit.

Oh fuck it. I leaned in the rest of the way, but my hands on her cheeks, and pulled her in.

When our lips touched, electricity raced through my body. My lips felt like they were on fire.

Riley's hands met my hips, pulling me closer, if that was even possible. Our lips were in sync, almost moving to the beat of a song.

She was the first one to pull away, trying to catch her breath, as was I. Her eyes slowly moved up, once again meeting mine.

They seemed to sparkle, glowing in the night. She gave me a million dollar smile, one that I wouldn't forget.

She leaned forward one more time, kissing me real quick.

"Goodnight Brooke." Before I could comprehend what had just happened, she disappeared into her apartment.

I slowly walked back to my car, getting in, and taking a second to let it all in. A smile on my face never disappearing.

Authors Note
Sorry it took me so long to write! I had wrote parts of it on days, but I've been so busy with school! I have a three day weekend, so I'll try to write a couple chapters this weekend. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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