Chapter Thirty Six

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Brooke's POV

Riley and I were walking onto the field, getting ready for tryouts this week.

Today was the first day, and we were both pumped. We weren't worried or anything, we knew we'd make the team easily.

I was the best goalie in school and Riley was the best player on field. You could say we were a match made in heaven.

School has been going by so fast I can't remember most of it. This years been easy, since I've finished most of my difficult classes last year I have the stupid easy classes now.

The girls from the previous year all greeted us, hugging us, and then proceeded to drag us to the coach with the rest of us.

"Alright ladies! We'll pretty much be doing what we've been doing during conditioning. I've been watching you all, and for those who weren't here for conditioning, you better impress me. Let's go!" My coach actually seemed excited, and here I thought he was Mr.Grumpypants.

It was almost boring doing simple things. He never made us do complicated set plays because not everyone knew them. He just wanted to see all of the girls basic skills.

I was put into the goal box of course. Shooting was an important skill he wanted everyone to be able to do.

I wasn't the only goalie here though, and we needed a JV goalie. Two girls were by the left pole, watching me with jealousy.

I blocked almost all of the balls that came my way.

The two girls needed to show the coach what they could, and definitely couldn't, do.

A girl that looked like a freshman took her spot in the goal. I was watching from where she was originally standing, and I saw Riley, showing off as usual.

She was dribbling around all of the girls playfully, she was so amazing. She was perfect at everything. Maybe that's because she was perfect.

I watched her for a good minute, and she didn't drop the ball once. They only reason she ended up stopping was because our coach yelled at everyone to get into a passing drill.

My coach has an assistant coach this year. He told us it was his son. Anthony, his sons name, was to be with the goalies and watch them.

Anthony told the whole group that he had played soccer in college, but tore his ACL, not being able to recover from that, he finished his degree and moved on.

I must've forgot to mention how hot it was. Since I have to dive, I wear pants. I feel worse for the girls though, they run a lot more than I do. Goalies do run with the rest of the team, but they are sprinting on and off the whole day.

The first day of tryouts came to an end slowly. With countless drills and the new girls were puking on the sides. They aren't conditioned...

The only thing my coach hates more than losing games, is having unconditioned girls. Everyone would pay for it, even if they weren't throwing up. He made everyone run 4 laps around the field. That's about a mile.

After practically killing over, tryouts came to an end. But only for today, the rest of the week would be hell.

On the last day of tryouts, Riley wanted to go out to eat. We haven't been on a date in a while. Sure, we've hung out and have done things together, but going on a real date? It's been quite some time.

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