Chapter Six

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Riley's POV

Today is Friday, the day of the party that Brooke is forcing me to go to. I'm pacing in my room trying to figure out what to wear. I've already been trying to figure out what to wear for 30 minutes now, and haven't found anything.

About 30 more minutes later, I finally decided on what to wear a white, off shoulder white blouse, black skinny jeans, and white strap sandals. I curled my caramel brown hair, and put some light make up on.

Once I was finished getting ready, I headed over to Brooke's house. Brooke was waiting on her porch when I arrived. She hopped off the bench in front of her home, and walked over to my car.

She was beautiful, she wore this tight blue, strapless dress, which isn't very long. Black strap heels, and her hair was pulled up into a simply ponytail. You could tell she was wearing a little bit of make up, not enough to make her look slutty. I know I said this already,; but she was stunning. Her outfit was simple; although, she made it look like the best thing in the world.

Brooke got into the car, and looked at me. I gave her a soft smile, and before I could stop myself, I whispered, "You look beautiful." I was hoping that she didn't hear me, but by the blushing on her face, she had definitely heard me.

Embarrassed, I turned to look straight ahead and mumbled, "So what's the address to the party." She put it into her GPS on here phone, and we drove in silence the whole way.

Throughout the drive I could feel her staring at me, but I didn't look over at her once, afraid she would catch me looking. A block away from the house and you could already hear the music blasting.

Before I had picked Brooke up, we told both of our parents that we were sleeping at each others house, knowing we would be out late.

There were cars parked on both sides of the house, so we had to park a little down the road. The house was huge. You could almost call it a mansion. It was this tan multistory house, it looked like a typical rich kid house, it had a half circle driveway, and it was two stories.

It looked like the house was so packed, that part of the party was on the front lawn. We got out of my car, and started to walk. I'm happy I wore jeans, because  it was a little cold out. From the corner of my eye I saw Brooke shiver a bit. I slightly moved closer to her, but she didn't seem to notice.

We walked up to the door, and the smells of alcohol and cigarettes hit me hard, I almost started coughing. Brooke walked in first, and I followed close behind, to be sure I didn't lose her.

She quickly turned around, and grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards the kitchen. I could feel my blood pumping where she was grabbing my wrist. The kitchen wasn't as full, but many teens were playing beer pong on the table in the far corner.

There were drinks in the fridge, and on almost every counter. Brooke let go of my wrist to grab an unopened beer on the counter next to the fridge. My wrist fell to my side, the feeling it had before disappeared in an instant.

"Riley, do you want anything?" I turned to look at Brooke.

"No thank you, I'm fine." With that she nodded, and started walking towards where the party was at. I followed automatically. She suddenly stopped, and I quickly had to slow down, or I'd run into her. Brooke turned around, and we were face to face. We were, once again, so close, that I could feel her fruity, watermelon breath on my face. She chewed watermelon gum, if that wasn't noticeable. With her heels, she was about an inch or two taller than me.

She looked down straight into my eyes. "I wanted to thank you, for what you said in the car. Not many people have called me beautiful before." She stared at me with her sea blue eyes, I could see them sparkling with the light from the kitchen shining down into her eyes. "I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true." God, what with me blurting out things?

I watched as Brooke slightly blushed, and she looked down at my lips. Just kiss me! I stared down at her lips, hoping she would kiss me. I didn't want to be the one to kiss her because, I didn't want to be wrong and her to freak out and run away.

She seemed to slowly get closer, and within a few seconds later, she was gone. Where did she go? How did I not notice her walk away? I decided to let her be for a bit, not wanting to bother her if she was, so I walked back into the party.

20 minutes have pasted by since I last seen Brooke; I was starting to get worried. She wouldn't have just left me right? I took out my phone, and walked towards the front door, so I would hear her. It probably wouldn't be smart to call her, because she probably wouldn't hear it go off.

It was night time already, and you could see your breath in the chilly night air. There was a couple people passed out on the lawn, not surprising, and then there were couple making out under a couple trees. Get a room.

The phone rang three times before someone picked it up. "Brooke? Hello?"

There wasn't an answer, but I heard talking in the background, first it was a man, I could hear him say, "You're so sexy." His words were slurred. Then I heard a girls voice, which I knew right away was Brooke's. "Get. Off. Of. Me." By the sounds of it she was struggling, but she didn't sound drunk.

I knew right away some drunk ass kid was all up on her. The background noise was pretty quiet, so they must be in some room, away from the party, because I could still hear the music slightly playing in the background.

I didn't take anytime to run inside and start going through the rooms. The first floor was clear of Brooke, so I started running up the long, spiraled stairs and pushing people out of my way. I heard a few 'Bitch'. But I didn't stop long enough to say anything back.

The first few rooms just had random couples making out, or were surprisingly empty. I was getting frustrated, so I kept yelling Brooke's name, to see if she would respond. After the first three yells, I was about to give up on the yelling when I heard my name yelled a couple doors down from where I was.

I sprinted as fast as I could to the door  that my name came out of. I tried opening the door, and of course, it was locked. I started slamming into the door. My shoulder starting to sting, I gave the door a couple more slams, and it finally opened.

It looked like a guest bedroom, decent sized. Back on topic, I saw a guy on top of someone, luckily, they were both dressed. In two long strides I got to the bed and ripped the drunk guy off of the scared blonde girl. He fell on his ass at the end of the bed.

"You bitch!" He slurred at me. He got up and started coming towards me. I REALLY didn't want to fight anyone. The drunk lifted his arm up ready to hit me, but I backed up. He missed. As he was getting ready for his next move, I kneed him in his baby makers, and he quickly fell to the floor cupping them.

I turned to Brooke, who had looked like she'd been crying, was sitting up against the bed. She didn't seem scared, so I don't think he got very far. I started walking towards her when I was pulled by my hair and slammed into the wall. Really? He hasn't given up yet? I didn't have enough time to react, so the guy was able to smack me in the face.

My cheek and lip was throbbing, but hopefully with one more hit, he would pass out. I didn't react to his punch like he thought I would. I balled my hand into a fist, and as hard as I could, hit him right in the nose. He fell to the floor out cold. If he wouldn't have been so drunk, I would've lost, miserably.

I walked to the bed once more, and looked at Brooke. I stuck out my hand, waiting for her to take it. "I'm taking you to my house." She softly nodded and took my hand, to help her get off of the bed. Her dress was slightly ripped at the bottom, but it didn't look like she was hurt.

She got close to me and gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close."Thank you Riley." She pulled away, but still had he arms wrapped around my neck. She planted a soft kiss on my left cheek, the side that got hit, and then resumed hugging me. "I'm sorry." She quietly spoke into my ear.

We stood there hugging each other for about 5 minutes until I grabbed her hand and started walking her out of this house. I needed to get out of here, now, before I did anything crazy.

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