Chapter Twenty Seven

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Riley's POV

The next morning I grabbed my phone off of the night stand and texted the number I never thought I would.

'Meet me at the park near my apartments'

Within 5 minutes my phone went off.


I was on the swing, waiting for her to drive to the deserted park.

I saw her car drive into the parking lot, but I didn't move, I stared at the tan sand, as if there was something interesting about it.

Next thing I hear, she sat on the swing next to me, I could feel her staring at me, but I made no move to look back.

A loud sigh escaped from her throat. "Riley, why did you text me?"

Why do you think? You kissed me. You came to my house, and stormed off. Obviously I was going to text you.

I didn't answer, but it didn't seem like she cared.

"So that girl, she was from the party. You two dating or something?"

I turned my head to face her so fast I thought I was going to break my own neck.

"You don't get to do that. You don't get to ask about my life. You decided to ignore me. You decided to kiss me. You decided to run off without even talking to me. You didn't let me talk, you just ran. That's what you do Brooke. You leave the second things get hard or confusing. Ali is my friend. She is nothing more, and will never be anything more. I need a friend because mine dumped me on the side of the road. We kissed, we had sex, then you denied the whole thing and left me. You ignore me for weeks, then pull me in a room and kiss me. What do you want Brooke."

My eyes didn't leave hers. I wanted some god damn answers. I'm tired of playing these games with her.

"I want you! But it's so complicated!" She almost whined those words out.

I scoffed, looked away and shook my head. "It's not complicated, you're making it complicated Brooke. Either you want to be with me or you don't. It's that simple. I'm tired of going back and forth with you. So when you have finally decided. Tell me."

Without letting her speak, I got up and walked to my apartment.

Brooke's POV

I don't know what to do. I want to be with Riley. But I can't just come out to everyone. I'm not like her, I can't just tell everyone I'm gay. Or am I bisexual? Im still not used to calling myself either.

I watched her walk off, and I don't even know why I did. I should have yelled at her to stop and tell her my answer. But we want different things. She wants a relationship she can flaunt to people. Our school isn't the accepting type m, obviously, when those pictures were all over the school people looked at me like I was a freak.

The first people I need to tell are my parents. I don't think they will freak out, or at least I hope they won't.

I hopped back into the drivers seat and drove home.

Busting through the door, I yelled for my mom and dad, then I walked into the kitchen, waiting for them.

My dad walked in first.

"What's up honey?" Hw kindly said walking up to the island and leaned up against it. I was sitting in a chair across from him.

"Just wait, we need mom in here too."

She came in right when I finished.

"I'm here I'm here, sorry I had to grab everyone's laundry from their room. What's going on?"

Deep breaths Brooke.

"I uh, I need to tell you guys something."

They both quizzically looked at me.

I closed my eyes for a second, then opened them, looking at my moms kind eyes.

"First, Danny and I broke up. No I'm not sad about it, it was mutual, and second, uh. God."

"Brooke, you can tell us what it is. Just please don't leave us in suspense." My dad slightly laughed.

"Promos you won't freak?" Mom and dad nodded in unison.

I sucked in air. "I'm gay, or bisexual. I don't really know, but I do know I like girls and actually I particularly like one girl, and it's Riley." I pushed the words out of my mouth so fast I don't even know if they understood what I said.

My mom started freakishly laughing. Now I was the confused one.

"Oh god. That was it? I thought you were gonna tell us you were pregnant or something."


"Um, so you guys, don't care?"

"Of course not honey. We love you no matter what. Who cares if you like girls." My dad said, then stood up straight.

No one said anything else, my parents just left me alone in the kitchen practically hyperventilating because of how well they took that.

I wanted to tell someone, but the only person I wanted to tell might not even care.

But it's worth a shot right? I ran to my car keys by the fridge then ran out of the house, but I yelled at my parents that I was leaving before I left.

I wasn't going to give up on Riley anymore. I wanted to be with her, no matter what.

First I checked if Riley's dads car was parked in the parking lot, and luckily it wasn't.

I ran up the stairs, skipping one every time I walked up.

My hand hit the door before I could back out.

The door swung open within a minute.

"Brooke, what are you doing here?"

I didn't even answer the question, I just blurted out, "I came out to my parents. And surprisingly they took it really well."

"You- you told your parents?"

I softly nodded. "But, before you get excited, I'm not ready to tell people at school, even if they pretty much think I am, I can't tell people yet."

"I don't want you to come out at school."

What's with everyone and confusing the hell out of me.

"Wait, why?"

She gestured for me to come inside, and she closed the door, but we didn't move, not even to sit down.

"People at school are assholes. They don't care about your feelings, and they will try to make your life a living hell if you come out, so don't. I don't care what people say or do to me, but I can't see people do it to you."

"So, so what do we do?"

Riley ran her fingers through her hair.

"We stay a secret during school days, and when we aren't in school, they we can be who we are."

"Oh and this time, we are taking it slow. I can't have you running out on me again."

I punch Riley's arm and rolled my eyes.

Authors note

Sorry I haven't wrote in a while, I feel like I keep saying that. But I did notice that this story hit 81k and I decided to try to write a bunch of chapters, so let's all hope for the best and thank you all so much

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