Chapter Twenty Eight

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Brooke's POV

The Monday back to school was weird. I felt different, but nothing was different. To everyone, I was still me, but I'm not the same me.

I caught a glimpse of Riley at her locker and I couldn't help but stare.

Why did I deny my feelings before?

Because honestly? Damn she was hot. Even in regular attire, she was just wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a Hollister pocket tee shirt. Her hair was down, and she had black van high tops.

It's just, having these feelings, for a girl, it's just so new to me. It's almost exciting though. I haven't felt this way for anyone before.

Finally allowing myself to have these feelings are amazing. I feel like myself. I find myself checking girls out, especially Riley.

All I wanted to do was walk up to her and kiss her, even just touch her, but I couldn't.

We had agreed to keep our relationship out of school, and we barely were even friends in school. Riley was afraid people would start talking again, but I honestly could care less.

The people I really only cared about were my parents, and they didn't care.

The classes I have with Riley are my favorite parts of the day, then during soccer. But soccer was almost over, then I had club though, and I know Riley plays club also.

I don't actually have a specific club, since I had moved here not that long ago. I was thinking about joining the same one that Riley was in, only if they needed a goalie.

The day was uneventful, which wasn't surprising. Then soccer dragged on, I don't really get a chance to talk to Riley during soccer, everyone is focused on practicing.

I do however get to see her in shorts, I get to see her run through people with the ball, which I find sexy and incredible.

Also every time she does something cool or good, she smiles. And her smile could make a rainy day sunny.

"Riley!" Before I had time to process anything. A ball hit me right in the face, and knocked me into my ass.

I mumbled an ouch. The sun was blinding me, but then someone stood over me and blocked the light from my eyes.

It took a second for my eyes to adjust, and I saw Riley smiling at me.

"You really should be paying attention beautiful."

She gave me her hand and helped me up. I could feel the heat in my cheeks. I looked around to see no one paying attention, luckily.

Before I forgot, "Riley, does your club team need a goalie by any chance?"

"I mean we have one, but there's tryouts, so if you're better, you'll be our new goalie and she may even be our backup. You are better than her though, so don't sweat it. Tryouts for club are next week." She spoke as she helped me up off of the ground.

"Alright cool. It's just I haven't played club here, so I wanted to have a familiar face on the team." She grinned at me, and with a smile like that, I couldn't help but smile back.

We couldn't finish our conversation though, our coach was yelling at the whole team to get to him.

He started talking when everyone was there. "Ladies, the regular season is over, we have state now. I know you girls know the rules, but let me just 'refresh' your memory. We lose a game, and we are OUT. So let's not lose a game!"

I'm almost excited that the season is almost over. I love soccer, I do, but it consumes so much of my life. I need a job mostly, and I'll have more time for homework, and to just do anything.

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