Chapter Twenty Six

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Riley's POV

The kiss wouldn't leave my mind. She kissed me. She didn't push me away.

That was a good sign, I hope. Or we'll take two steps back again.

I wanted to talk to Brooke after the kiss, but they had found Jade, I had to go.

What did she think when we kissed? Did she immediately regret it?

I was quiet the whole ride back to my house. Thinking it through over and over again.

Why did I even kiss her? I should just move on. I'm tired of playing cat and mouse. I'm tired of chasing after her and she decides to run and hide.

The kiss was a mistake.

Brooke's POV

That kiss, it wasn't a mistake.

I can't be with Riley, it would change my life. I do miss her, she was one of the best people in my life.

How bad do I want her in my life? After all that I've done, would she still want me?

It's not all the people who would think of me different that I'm worried about. I'm scared that I'll lose my friends and family.

They are the most important to me, and if I were to be with Riley, I'm afraid they would hate me.

After Riley left me in that room alone, I had time to think.

Are the people who wouldn't accept me for me really worth it?

She-she's an amazing person, slight temper, but amazing person. No one cares that she's gay.

Why would they care if I'm gay too? Why would they care if Riley and I were together? They aren't in the relationship with us.

Oh god. What's Danny going to think of me? Is he gonna hate me? He knew I had a thing with Riley before but will he be mad now?

I moved Danny on the top of my priority list. I needed to talk to him first, and end it. He's a great guy, but he's not the person I really want to be with.

I pulled my white iPhone 5c out of my pocket and texted him saying, 'we need to talk. Meet me in your room asap.'

I left the current room I was in to get to Danny's room. Of course I had to squeeze my way past multiple couples making out right in the middle of the hallway.

Danny's bedroom door was open, so I nervously walked in and saw him sitting on his bed looking at his phone.

I closed the door behind me and say next to him.

"Danny, we need to talk about-"

"You want to break up with me, I know." He softly spoke, looking at me with his dark green eyes.

"How do you know?" He lets out a light laugh.

"Brooke, it's okay. I like you, I do. But I want you to be happy. And I know you'll be happier with Riley."

Okay, I'm completely confused. How does he even know that I've been thinking about her?

"Brooke, I see the way you look at her. And the way she looks at you, and she scolds me, quite frequently. Actually every time we make eye contact. She doesn't want you to be with me, she still wants you. And I get it, I understand. You've convinced yourself and everyone else you're not gay or bisexual, but you still think about Riley I that way. Who cares what people think Brooke. You should be happy, not living under a rock in fear that some people might disapprove of your choices. You need to decide, because we both saw Riley kissing that girl. I had just walked in the room, and saw you staring at them, crying. You like her Brooke, a lot. And you need to get her before it's too late."

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