Chapter Twenty

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Riley's POV
The next day all we really did was watch some Netflix and talked the whole day. Around 4 she had to go home though, her parents probably wanting to see Brooke.

I kept replaying what she said to me yesterday. That she did want to be with me, but she needed time. I would give her time. All the time she needed.

My dad came home later that night and we spoke little words. It was slowly getting better between us, but I still couldn't come to terms with what he said.

It turned quickly to night time, and I didn't want to go to school tomorrow. Like, who is willing to sit in a chair for 6 hours and supposedly learn?

The only thing I was looking forward to was seeing Brooke. I just hope that she doesn't change her mind about being with me.

I've never met someone who was so kind, and so strong. Yet she's so beautiful, and she so effortlessly makes the room light up when she walks in.

I also hope she doesn't regret sleeping with me. She won't ever know, but that was my first time, and it was the most amazing thing ever.

It was intimate, but she made me feel like the only girl in the world. She was so kind and soft. But we were also giggling half the time.

Brooke without her clothes off, was a picture I would like to keep in my mind. Even if that sounds creepy. I want her to choose me, and not someone else.

I want to be out and proud with her. Be that one lesbian couple at the school, but I'm worried she doesn't want the same thing.

Giving her time will be difficult, I don't know how much time she will need, or if she will ever want to come out. That would make it hard for me.

I don't want to have a hidden relationship, plus it's not healthy. She will need to tell her parents at some point. I think they would be okay with it. They are so kind and nice people.

Finally, I stopped having a conversation with myself and drifted off into a deep sleep.
Brooke's POV

This morning was not a good morning. My alarm didn't go off in time, so I had to rush to get ready.

My hair wasn't agreeing with me, so I threw it up into a pony tail. Nothing matched, so I threw on a hoodie and jeans.

There wasn't anything to eat for breakfast, so I skipped it. Finally I headed to school, dreading for the day to even start.

All I wanted to do was to see Riley, and I couldn't even do that. I got to school a couple minutes before the bell rang, and I still had to get to my locker.

I would just have to see her in the classes we shared.

The day dragged on as I went from class to class. It helped that Riley was in many of them and we were able to talk about random things.

After what seemed to be 10 hours, the final bell rang, dismissing us.

I found Riley, and started walking with her to the locker room.

"Today went soooo slow." Riley groaned.

"I know right. I almost fell asleep in all of my classes."

"Yeah I know." She let out a light laugh. "I say you almost hit your head on the desk." Her laughs became louder.

I have myself a mental note to kick myself in the ass for almost passing out in front of her.

We had to stop by my locker first, because I needed a book for one of my classes.

Riley surprised me by turning me around and pushing me up against the locker next to mine. She made it to where there was only a small space between us.

My breathe hitched. Everything fogged up when she was so close to me.

"S-someone could see u-us." I managed to mumble out.

"I looked. No one is around." She whispered seductively in my ear.

That was my queue to close the small space between us. Our lips met, and I swear time stopped.

I know that sounds cheesy, but that's how it felt. I've never felt so strongly for someone before. Riley moving here, changed my life.

As chills were covering my body, Riley pulled away.

"We need to go change for practice." It was obvious she was out of breath, so was I. I silently nodded and we headed for the locker room once again.

Getting there quickly we did our daily routine, and headed to the field where the rest of our team was.

People were starting to circle around coach, he's probably about to talk to us about our upcoming game.

"Ladies! Please circle around! Put your shoes on here! We need to talk about our game on Thursday!" Soft groans were heard through out the small crowd.

"I know I know. We don't like the team we are playing. But beating them will greatly benefit us. If we want to go to the playoffs. Winning this game will almost be a shoe-in. This weeks practice will be light, I don't want any of you pulling anything. We'll mostly go over plays and situations in the field. Be prepared for that game. I'm gonna be waiting on a win."

This man is one of the most exaggerating people I've ever met. I know where he's coming from, but he acts like he's running for president.

All the girls finished putting their gear on, and Riley and I went our separate ways.

Coach wanted me to focus on blocking high balls, since the team we verse Thursday is an offensive team.
Practice went fast, but my sides were starting to hurt from the ground ball dive had to block.

It ended as soon as it started, and girls were starting to leave the field. I waited on Riley, since she was like the slowest one to change out of her gear.

"I am so tired." She sighed as she jogged up to my side.

"Me too I'm gonna go home, eat, do homework, then pass out."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you tomorrow Brooke." We went our separate ways and I quickly got home.

I did as I said I would. And the dinner my mother made quickly, went up to my room and did the little bit of homework I had, added in a shower because I smelled terribly, then fell asleep.
The next morning went by a lot better. I got up on time, my mom made breakfast, and I had a cute outfit.

I was pumped for the day to start. I had to the thoughts the whole way to school. Walking into those doors to the school though, my luck changed just like that.

They were everywhere. All over the lockers, on the floor, and people had them in their hands.

Do you know what they had? Pictures of Riley and I kissing.

Everyone stared at me. I looked around for Riley, and saw her across the hall, staring back at me.

I didn't want to lol at her. I didn't want to look at the people around me. Boys whooping and cat-calling, girls looking at me with pity and disgust.

Looking back at Riley, my eyes started to water, I couldn't take what was about to come.

Authors Note
I'm sorry I didn't write in a while! But I'll try to again! This chapter didn't have much action, but it's about to get juicy. I hope you enjoyed!

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