Chapter Thirty

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Brooke's POV
I woke up this morning like any day. I ate breakfast and got ready.

I drove my happy butt to school and went searching for Riley.

She was at her locker, grabbing books out of it.

"Hey Riley." I leaned up against the locker next to hers.

"Hey." She gave me a smile that made me head go fuzzy.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tiffany, the devil herself come strutting down the hallway.

She stopped at this girl, I think her name was Em?

Tiffany said something loud enough that even Riley and I heard.

"Fucking lesbians, gross." What a heartless bitch.

But Tiffany continued to walk, she turned her head towards us, and spoke again "God, they are everywhere." And shot is a disgusted look.

I looked back toward Em, and her head was down. I told Riley that I would be back real quick and walked over to the sad girl.

"Hey, it's Em right?" She quietly nodded, still looking down at the ground.

"Don't listen to Tiffany. She's a bitch, and is mean to everyone. I'm Brooke."

She finally looked up to meet my eyes. "I know who you are. And Tiffany isn't the only one who says things to me. But thank you for trying to cheer me up." Em gave me a half smile and walked away.

I walked back to Riley. "Everything good?" She must have saw the whole thing.

I glanced back to where Em used to be. "Yeah, I just wanted to make sure she was okay."

"Maybe I should kick Tiffany's ass after all." Riley chuckled as I softly nudged her.

We went to our first class together like normal. Then went our separate ways to our second. The only classes I looked forward to was the ones I had with Riley.

Next class was U.S History which I had with Riley. I actually noticed I had Em in my class too.

I felt so bad for her, no one really talked to her, but she was really sweet.

After Ms. Boutchie took attendance she wanted us to individually read in our textbooks.

About 30 minutes into class I noticed Em get up and most likely go to the bathroom. I looked back down at my book.

A couple minutes later everything seemed to slow down, like it was a dream.

There was a loud noise that radiated the halls and the rooms.

I watched as Ms. Bout how ran to the door and close it, locking it in the process.

She flicked the lights shut and told us all the get up against the wall.

I wouldn't have moved unless Riley had touched my arm, bringing me back to reality.

When I sat down next to Riley, I looked at her and whispered, "Was that a gunshot?" She nodded.

I could feel my body softly shake. I'm not very good in these situations. If I start to freak out I shake.

Riley obviously noticed, so she grabbed my hand and locked our fingers between us, so that no one saw.

She was still looking at me, and she spoke without words, 'We will be okay.' No sound came out.

I closed my eyes for quite a while, then opened them up again, Riley was staring at the ceiling.

Every one in the class started to shuffle a bit when we started hearing sirens.

Wait a second. Where is Em? I quietly glanced around at the other students sitting down, but I didn't see Em.

I started to panic again, and I squeezed Riley's hand. Her focus was lost and she stared at me once again.

I whispered, "Em isn't in the class, she went to the bathroom and didn't come back."

"Brooke, it's okay. She probably ran into another class or is still in the bathroom. I think she will be okay."

It felt like hours until we heard a lot of feet running through the halls. It felt like even more until someone came to our class to say it was okay to leave now.

He looked about 32, and he had a SWAT uniform on. The man escorted us out of the building where it seemed the rest of the school was. There was a man in his 40's at the front of the crowd, getting ready to speak.

"We found the shooter. There was one life lost. It was a suicide. Her name was Emily Johnson.."

My heart felt like it stopped, and I forgot how to breathe.

"We know it was a suicide because, there was a note beside her."

I couldn't hear the rest. I had just talked to her his morning. My legs decided to give out on me, but luckily Riley was right there to hold me up.

I heard a distance voice, "We will be asking some students and teachers questions, so if you hear your name please come up to the front."

I never heard my name, or Riley's. Parents were waiting for their children. Many were crying.

I saw an older woman with the man who spoke earlier, and she was crying more than anyone here.

She must be Em's mom..

They dismissed everyone for the rest of the day, and then the following three days.

"Come on, I'll take you home Brooke." That was probably a good idea.

We both didn't speak until we got to my house. We didn't speak until we got through the front door.

No one would be home. I checked my phone to see if my parents texted me. They did of course, asking me what happened. I texted them back telling them everything and that I was home.

I looked back up at Riley, and I finally spoke. "I went to school with Em almost my whole life. I barely knew her. I talked to her this morning, and didn't even realize she was in so much pain." My voice was shaky, and it cut in and out every couple words.

"Brooke, you couldn't have known any of this. She must have been hurting for such a long time."

Tears started to fall down my face. I put my hands up to my face, trying to get hem to stop.

Riley pulled me into her arms, but the tears started pouring.

Em spoke about Tiffany not being the only one to say things. Did she mean her family? Friends? Was no one there to support her?

Everyone needed a support system. Now I see why Riley doesn't want me to tell anyone, because people can be so cruel.
This chapter was dedicated to a school in Arizona that I live by. Just days ago two girls who were friends and in a relationship took their lives at a school named Independence High School. This was a loose relation to the news stories about the two girls. May they finally have support to be free and true to who they are.

I hope everyone reading this has a support system, and if you don't, feel free to message me on here, I will answer back as soon as possible.

Thank you all for reading my story.

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