Chapter Thirty Nine

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Riley's POV

I've never sped so fast in my life. I gave Brooke's mom a quick call, but all she told me was to go to the hospital. Something was definitely wrong with Brooke. I knew it even before our soccer game started.

I didn't even remember driving to the hospital. I remember getting into my car, then parking immediately.

Before I had left the field, my dad yelled after me, saying he would be there soon. I had no time to answer, I needed to get to the hospital.

Bursting through the doors I looked around trying to find Brooke's family. They were sitting on the far side of the waiting room, with their backs to me.

I quickly walked over there and stood in front of them. I had a million questions to ask them.

No words came out of my mouth. Brooke's mom knew I was trying to ask questions.

"Honey, it was a hit and run. I guess her car stopped, piece of junk, so she had to run to the field. They haven't found who hit her. She's in surgery right now, but Riley, it doesn't look good. They said her pulse was weak, and there might be brain damage. We won't know for a while. Why don't you go home and I'll give you a call when we hear anything?"

The whole time she was trying not to cry. My legs were wobbly, and I needed to hold onto something before my legs give out. I sat next to her, I let out almost a harsh 'no'.

I didn't mean for it to come out in that way, but I couldn't just sit at home and wait for my phone to ring. She softly nodded.

It's been hours since we've heard anything from anyone. My phone said it was 3:27am, but I was wide awake.

Ever since I got here, I've been replaying memories. Good memories, bad memories, everything we've been through. I wanted more memories, I wanted to hear her beautiful laugh. I wanted to see her bright blue eyes and her soft blonde hair. I wanted to see her.

Finally, a lifetime later, a doctor came to see us. I swear, he was the slowest walker. No one dared to say anything, we were all waiting for him to speak.

"She made it through surgery, but she lost a significant amount of blood, and we can't tell how extensive the brain damage is. You're able to see her now, but she'll be hooked up to multiple things, they are helping her breathe. But, she may never wake up, we see little brain activity. She may not even make it until morning, we don't know. She's quite unstable, we've had to resuscitate her twice. Many nurses will be watching her."

We weren't able to ask any questions before he turned and walked away. We all followed.

She was pale, and cold. She had this tube down her throat. The doctor was right, there was like 6 machines surrounding her bed.

I sat down and texted my dad really quick, making sure he knew I was still okay.

After I shoved my phone back in my bag, I just stared at the beautiful mess in front of me. I didn't want to lose her. I don't know what I'd do without her. Think positive Riley.

But how could I think positive when the doctor didn't really have any good news other than the fact that she's alive?

She had cuts and bruises all over her body. Just looking at Brooke, I wanted to cry my heart out.

"Riley, we are gonna go get some food, would you like some?" I shook my head, not being able to find any words.

They left quietly, if I hadn't heard the door close, I wouldn't have known. All my attention was on my sleeping lover.

I found myself talking to her, "Brooke. I know you're in a lot of pain. I can see it. But I would do anything just to see you smile again. To hear your laugh. To kick your ass at soccer." I let out a soft giggle, and the tears were slowly falling from my face. "But if you are in so much pain, I don't want you to stay just because of everyone. The doctors said you have a little brain activity, and from what I've seen on Greys Anatomy that doesn't mean something good. I love you, I will always love you. I love you so much I don't want you to be in pain. Brooke, you are my life, I don't know what to do without you. But whatever you choose, I will be here no matter what, until your last breath or until you wake up."

I placed her hand into mine, and I finally fell asleep.

There was a loud beeping noise. It took about .03 seconds to figure out it was coming from Brooke. She was crashing.

Multiple nurses came in, pushing me out of the way. I stepped out of the room and out of everyone's way. Her family was out there already.

Brooke's mom began to cry, and so did her little brother. It wasn't long before tears started falling out of my eyes. I knew whatever the outcome is, I could deal with it. They brought in a crash cart, and started CPR. They did that zap thing with the heart and they yelled 'CLEAR'!

They did it three times. It's crazy to think that it's only been a year since I've known Brooke. It seems like it's been a lifetime.

On the third time, they stopped. There was no heart beat. No pulse. "Time of death 5:57am."

They only tried for 5 minutes to save her. The doctor did say to prepare for the worse. But I couldn't prepare for this. I lost my best friend, the person I loved, the person that kept me sane. Brooke is gone.

I know there's noises around me, but it's just a buzz. There's a chair in front of me, and I fell into it. I turned my head to look at Brooke, one last time. I could feel my heart literally breaking  into a million pieces.

I know I'm screaming, but I still can't hear. I only know being my vision is now blurry and my throat is starting to hurt.

I can't feel anything, it's like my body is numb. I can't take my eyes off of the now lifeless Brooke. I managed to say "I love you Brooke" before I lost control and started crying again.

Someone pulled me into a hug, but I didn't look up, I didn't hug back. I wanted to hug Brooke. I wanted to kiss Brooke. I wanted her so bad just to open her eyes and look at me.

But she can't. And I'll never be able to do any of that again.

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