Chapter Fourteen

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Riley's POV

It's been almost a month since Drew and I's first date. It was Saturday night, and I was beat from this past week. We went all out during practices all week because in a couple months the State Championships are coming up, and we want to be ready for them. We also had two games this week, and won them both.

Brooke and I have been getting really close, we hang out all the time during and after school. Drew and I are officially in a relationship after we went on our third day, which was not long after our second. I was gonna just hang out around the apartment and talk to my dad, but he's been in his room for a couple hours, probably doing stuff for work, like always, so I don't want to bother him.

I'll surprise Drew and come over, maybe we can just sit on the couch and watch movies for a while, I don't really have anything else to do. I leave a note on the kitchen counter for my dad saying where I'll be. The sun hasn't totally gone down, its around 9, but once I leave her house it'll be dark, and I hate driving when it's dark out.

When I pulled up to Drew's house I noticed another car there, she probably just has a friend over, it is Saturday. Both of them were outside actually, on the front porch talking. But when I got closer, and parked, they weren't talking, they were kissing. Oh hell no.

I jump out of my car and walk up her driveway, by the time I'm halfway there, she sees me.

"Oh hey Drew, who's your little friend here?!" I furiously said.

Before Drew responded, the slut she was making out with answered, "I'm her girlfriend, who are you?" Bitch.

You have got to be kidding me. Sarah warned me of this, "We were dating, but we're nothing now. Drop my number Drew, I don't want to hear from you again."

"Riley, wait!" I turned around and walked back to my car, not wanting to hear anything she's planning on saying.

I hopped in my car and raced away from her house, not looking back. I'm not gonna waste tears on cheaters, and I sure as hell don't waste time on cheaters.

I stopped by Taco Bell and went through the drive-thru. I ordered one of those Baja Blast Icee things, they are the best. Then I headed back home, with nothing else planned.

My dad was sitting on the couch when I got home. "Hey dad, what are you doing?"

He turned around, but when he turned around, he revealed multiple empty bottles of beer on the coffee table. I quickly ran into his room, to see almost a dozen on his night stand and bed.

Dad hasn't drank in years, he's told me stories of when he used to drink, saying he was violent.

I walked back into the living room, my dad was leaned up against the island, clearly drunk.

"Dad, you shouldn't be drinking, don't you know what you do when you're drunk?"

"Shut up, I don't care."

"Why are you drinking?"

"Seven years ago, today." He mumbled.

My heart stopped, I knew what he was talking about, I can't believe I forgot today 7 years ago my mom was murdered.

"Mom wouldn't want you to drink dad."

"You don't know what mom wants! She's dead! And it's your fault she's dead! You should have stayed with her! Fought to save her life! It's your fault she's dead!"

He's never said anything like that to me before, he always used to tell me if I wouldn't have ran, I would be dead too. Now, now he says it's my fault. He's screaming at me, tears are falling down my face. I walk out the door, trying to get away from this man I suddenly don't recognize.

The man I thought I knew kept screaming at me, while I'm running down the steps, and to my car. I don't know where to go. Tears are now pouring down my face, it's almost hard to see the road. My mind is taking me to a place, a place I didn't think of going to until I parked in front of her house.

I'm trying to wipe the tears off as I walk to the front door. I hope she opens the door instead of her parents. I softly knock on the wooden door, almost regretting I did it in the first place.

The door opens, and I'm relieved that it was Brooke. "Riley? What are you doing here?"

I don't say anything, I walk a step and throw my arms around her, almost knocking her off here feet. I start to cry harder, not being able to control my feelings. She rubs my back, but softly pushes me away.

"Lets go to my room okay? You can tell me whats wrong up there." I don't feel as shitty as I did before, her hugs comforted me, she was warm, and smelled like coconuts. Everywhere she touched, felt like it was on fire, but a fire like when you go camping and roast marshmallows. The warmth of the fire surrounding you, comforting you.

We quietly walk into her room, and sit on her bed. Sitting in the middle of her bed, I cross my legs, and she does the same. We are facing each other, but I can't seem to look into her hypnotizing blue eyes, because I was afraid if I looked, I'd be lost forever.

Brooke's POV

Riley surprised me by coming to my house. Good for us though, my parents were on a date, I don't think Riley would want my parents to see her crying. I've never seen her cry before, she looked broken.

I wanted to comfort her, hug her, tell her everything was going to be alright. My mind told me no, but my heart told me yes. For once, I decided to listen to my heart. I dragged the crying girl up the stairs and into my room.

We sat down facing each other. Riley wouldn't look me in the eyes. "Riley?" I softly spoke. Still no response. I moved closer, so that our knees were touching. My heart started beating faster, and I had butterflies in my stomach. I tried to ignore the growing feeling.

Every time I see Riley, the feelings I'm having get stronger. I want to spend more and more time with her. I even broke up with my boyfriend, because it didn't feel right.

I spoke one more time, while softly lifting her chin up so she would look me in the eyes. "Riley, tell me what's wrong." She whispered, "Okay." I almost didn't hear her. And she started her story.

Drew cheated on her? Riley told me about her mom, and how she did. Then told me what her dad said to her. I don't know what I would've done if I was her. I would fall apart, I couldn't grow up without a mom.

I pulled Riley in once more for a hug, she had been crying on and off throughout telling me what all happened. Seeing her like this, her walls down, she's never been this open. We pulled away from the hug, but our faces were a few inches from each other still.

My heart kept telling me, do it, do it, you know you want to. You've wanted to for a while now. I glanced down at her lips, then back to her bloodshot eyes. She saw me look at her lips.

Riley was the first one to lean forward. My body moved forward too, before I could even comprehend what was about to happen. I leaned my hands on each side of the bed, right next to her.

Then time seemed to slow down, and our lips touched. Electricity flew through my body. She tasted like Vanilla. We deepened the kiss, and I put my hands on the back of her neck, pushing her closer to me.

I didn't want it to end, but it had to. It had to end because the garage opened, signalling my parents were home. We slowly pulled away, and I already missed the tastes of vanilla. It was my new favorite flavor.

"I'm gonna go tell my parents are here and that you're gonna stay the night, alright?" She softly nodded her head. I got up and went to my closet, pulling out some clothes she could change into.

I handed Riley the clothes and jogged downstairs. My mom was totally okay with Riley staying the night, she liked Riley. So I silently screamed in my head, then walked back up the stairs. 

The brunette that was once sitting on my bed, crying, was now under the covers fast asleep. I couldn't help but smile, she was cute when she was sleeping. I slowly walked to the other side of my bed, and got under the covers, careful not to wake sleeping beauty here next to me.

I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I laid my head down on my pillow. Before I fell asleep, I touched my lips with my fingers, still feeling the warm of Riley's lips on mine. This girl was gonna change my life.

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