Chapter Eighteen

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Riley's POV

"What about my car?" I softly jogged to get to her car. Brooke was waiting by her trunk, so I could place my stuff in it.

"You can get it tomorrow, I'll pick you up in the morning so you have a ride.

I willingly got into the car and waited for her to start it. I wasn't in the mood to talk to her, she had been ignoring me the whole game. I wanted to find out what Mia had said to her to make her seem so... distant.

"What did Mia say to you?"


"You know what I said, what did Mia say to you?"


"Brooke, just tell me." She didn't pull out of the parking lot yet, we were busy having a staring contest, and she was twitching under my stare.

"She said that, that you had some anger problems in the past, and you would. You would fight people, quite frequently. She said you even put someone in the hospital, and that I should stay away from you." Brooke honestly looked scared.

It hurt to know that she was afraid of me. I couldn't look at her anymore. "That was the past, I talked to someone, I got help. I would never hurt you." I spoke in a soft tone.

I continued, "Mia is my ex, she's going to exaggerate the truth, or not say the whole story, she doesn't want anyone to be with me. That guy I put in the hospital?  It was self defense, he was trying to steal my friend and I's stuff, I would've stopped hitting him, but he wouldn't stop fighting."

Brooke kept looking at me, engulfing my story. "The police didn't charge me, they ruled it self defense." She slowly nodded her head.

She chose to change the subject. "How's your head?"

"It's fine, my head still hurts a bit, but I just want it to heal so I can play again."

Brooke shook her head and started laughing, causing me to smile. "Soccer is really your life huh?"

"Yeah, it is."

The rest of the ride home was silent, there really wasn't much to talk about. She pulled into one of the parking spots and parked the car. Turning towards me she spoke, "Go on a date with me."


"Go on a date with me. Let me make up for me being an ass and not trusting you."

Internally, I was screaming, but externally, I kept my cool. "When?"

"This weekend, but it's a surprise. You won't know what we are going to be doing."

"Okay, now pop the trunk, I'm tired." She giggled, sending chills down my spine. Why does she have this effect on me?

A pop noise came from the trunk, and I slid out of her car, walking to grab my bag. I walked up to Brooke's window. "See you tomorrow Brooke, oh and don't call me Anderson again, or you may see my wrath." A giggle escaped her mouth again. She silently nodded.

I started to turn around  and walk towards my apartment when she called my name. I didn't turn around, but I did stop walking.

"I wasn't afraid of you, when she said all of those things, reality hit me like a ton of bricks. Thinking about you and me.... Being public, now that, that scared me. I'm afraid of everyone knowing and judging." I understood that, but why didn't she just tell me?

I turned around to face her, "I understand that, but next time, fill me in on what your thinking in that brain of yours, it won't hurt my feelings." She softly smiled at me, and I turned back to walk to my apartment, exhausted and ready to sleep.


Saturday hit quickly, and I was anxious later today. Brooke was going to pick me up around noon. My dad is going to be away this weekend for a business trip, so he left me some money if I wanted to go out with some friends, we still weren't on the best terms since his alcohol relapse.

Yesterday we had another game, but I was forced to sit on the side line, my coach thought if I went back out there I would 'get hurt' again. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Luckily it was an easy team and we beat them 4-0. Brooke did amazing in goal, like always.

Brooke texted me about an hour before she was suppose to pick me up and told me to wear jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Would it be cold where we are going? I quickly changed into some warmer clothes.

I hadn't changed outfits because I was waiting for her to tell me what I should wear so I would be dressed appropriately.

Pacing around my apartment, I waited fro her to get here. I sadly had 30 minutes to spare until she got here. I need to do something or I'm going to go mad.

I'm nervous to see her. Everyday I get nervous when I knew I was going to see her soon, or when we would talk. She has that effect on me, and I don't know what it means.

I decided to watch an episode of Orange is the New Black to pass the time, and it seemed to help. I didn't even finish an episode before Brooke knocked on my door. I quickly turned off the TV and ran to the door, hoping she wouldn't hear my loud footsteps.

I swung the door open, "Ready to go?" I checked her out, with her staring directly at me, I'm losing my game.

My eyes met hers again, and she obviously saw me, I could feel my face heat up. "Yeah, lets go."

We walked to her car, and she even opened the door for me. "Why thank you." She jogged to her side and roared her engine to life.

"So where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see, be patient."

"I'm not very good at being patient." She laughed and shook her head.

30 minutes in this car and we still weren't there.

It was as if she read my mind, "We are almost there, quit worrying."

As we turned the corner I saw this big sign that read Paint balling, turn left. I held my breath and hoped she didn't turn left, but she did, and I started freaking out.

"No." I spoke with a hushed.

"Yes!" She yelled.

This is gonna be interesting.

Author's Note


Sorry! This was kind of a short chapter, I've been trying to write more chapters, but give me time! I've got a lot of ideas! If you have any ideas yourself, be sure to comment! Or if you liked the chapter, comment and vote! Things are gonna start getting juicy so put this in your library and get ready for the next chapter! I hope you all enjoy this book and I appreciate all of your comments and you reading the story!

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