Chapter Seven

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Brooke's POV

Riley was on her way to my house, and I was just finishing up my make up. Riley and I have been getting really close. She's different from my other friends. She looks at me differently and I can tell Riley cares about me too.

We have a lot of things in common too, and with soccer season coming up, both of us obviously making the team, I think we'll get even closer.

I feel different, when I'm around her. There's not a dull moment when being with her. She's so funny and kind. We've hung out everyday in our free period, and after tryouts we would go grab something to eat. Over the weekend we even went to the mall and bought some stuff.

After I finished my make up, I thought it'd be best if I went outside and waited for her so she wouldn't have to come knock on the door.

Once I saw her car pull up, I jumped off the bench and walked to her car.

1. I shouldn't have worn heels, I'm already regretting them.

2. It's kind of cold out, I should have brought a jacket of some sort.

I closed my door and looked up at her. She was looking me up and down. I tried not to notice, so I wouldn't embarrass her. Then she said the sweetest thing I've ever heard. "You look beautiful." My heart fluttered as she said it.

It was more like a whisper, but I definitely heard her. I could feel my cheeks become warm, so I must be blushing really hard. Riley looked away from me so fast, it was almost like that moment never happened.

The whole car ride, I kept glancing at her, I couldn't help it. I've never really seen her in girlish clothing. But she definitely looked good in them. She had this white laced shirt, that showed her shoulders, tight black jeans, and some cute sandals.

She looked amazing with her hair curled. She was barely wearing any make up, but she looked flawless. I've probably been looking at Riley for a good 5 minutes now, but I couldn't help it.

When she drives, she's so concentrated on the road, she makes these little faces if something happens. Riley is a really safe driver. In fact I feel safe around her all the time. It's not that she's bigger than me, because she's only like 2 inches taller than me, but just her presence, I don't know, that sounds kind of dumb.

We arrived at the huge home and the party was huge. I didn't recognize anyone that was on the lawn. Parking down the road a little, we got out and started walking. It was a little chilly, but when the breeze hit my arms and legs, it gave me the shivers. I really should've brought a jacket.

I felt Riley slightly move closer to me. I wanted her to put her arm around me, and pull me closer. Did I really just think that?

Riley made me confused. I've thought about being with a girl, but never have. I've been with a couple guys about a year or two ago, but never felt anything for them. Riley makes me feel more towards her than them, and we haven't done anything.

We got into the kitchen, and I grabbed the first beer I saw. I just need to get drunk and not think about anything, or anyone right now, meaning my feelings towards Riley. I knew she wasn't going to drink, but I still wanted to know if she wanted anything.

"No thank you, I'm fine." You see what I mean? She's so nice. There's this problem I have, I do things before I think.

So now I'm standing so close to Riley we could kiss if I moved any closer.

"I wanted to thank you for what you said in the car. Not many people have called me beautiful before." It wasn't just what she said, but how she said it that made me feel so weird. I know she meant it, and there was a longing in her voice when she had said it.

"I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true." Staring into her bright brown eyes, I knew she was being serious. I glanced down at her full, pink lips, wanting so much just to pull her in and kiss her.

I can't, not yet at least, or never. I don't know, it's a scary thing to think about, and I wouldn't want to ruin it.

I look back into her eyes to see that she isn't looking at me, but looking at my lips also. I can feel myself leaning in more towards her, I can't. And with that I walk away from the most gorgeous girl in this house.

For a while, it was all a blur, not like a drunk blur, but I was out of it. I don't really remember how it got to this. This guy, who smells heavily of alcohol, is pushing me into an empty bedroom.

He's quite a bit bigger than me, even if I'm wearing high heels. I don't even remember talking to this guy before. He pushes me up against the wall, and I can feel my phone vibrating in my little handbag I brought.

I knew who it was without even having to look at the caller ID, which I couldn't have anyways. I clicked answer while this drunk guy was kissing my neck, this is disgusting.

"You're so sexy." He murmured into my neck. He's nothing like Riley, he's not kind and thoughtful.

"Get. Off. Of. Me." I try to push him off but his grip on me is so strong.

He starts slowly moving his kisses towards my chest, and I'm starting to freak out. I want this drunk away from me, why did I leave Riley alone, I should have stayed with her.

He pushes me onto the bed, and I try to back up away from him. He catches me and lays on top of me. He's holding my arms down at my sides, and is trying to put his tongue down my throat.

I start to cry, and worry if Riley is going to find me in time.Then all of a sudden I hear my name being yelled. I start screaming out Riley's name until this unnamed man puts his hand over my mouth.

I hear slamming, and I can hear that the door is opened, but I can't see Riley.

The drunk is pulled off of me and falls on the floor. He yells at the Riley standing above him, and starts to fight her. It didn't last long, Riley got hit once, and he got hit twice, and the second punch knocked him out cold. But the alcohol probably had a big factor in it too.

Riley starts walking towards me, and my heart starts pounding the closer she gets. "I'm taking you to my house." I could hear worry and anger in her voice. She puts her hand out, waiting for me to grab it. I slowly get to the edge of the bed, taking her hand and pulling her into a hug right away. She puts her arms around my waist and softly squeezes me, acting like I would break if she did it too hard. Her hugs could make any bad day better.

I pull away for a second, and look are her, now red cheek, from were the guy smacked her, her lip is cut a bit, but not bleeding. I softly kiss her cheek, making sure I don't hurt her and tell her I'm sorry. She slowly became less and less angry the longer we stood there hugging.

We hugged for a while, but I just wanted her to take me to her house already. She's making my brain go crazy. She's making me go crazy. Every time we touch, it's like a spark, the way she looks at me, that look could make a girl go crazy, but I'm also afraid of what's going to happen, and what's going to change. Because Riley Anderson, is going to change my life.

Authors Note


So that was pretty much the same thing that happened in the last chapter, but in Brooke's point of view. There will be more of Brooke's view. I just decided to do this chapter so you could see what Brooke was thinking.

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