Chapter Thirteen

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Riley's POV

Sunday came too fast. My date with Drew was amazing, we ended up going to a movie, and dinner once again. Dinner is a good way to talk to someone and get to know them. This time, I paid for dinner, but she yet again insisted on buying the movie tickets.

She took me home, we ended up making out outside my front door for a good 10 minutes. It got a little heated, but I stopped it before anything happened. I still barely knew her, I didn't want to do anything right away.

Drew left right after, and it was getting late. It was getting close to midnight, and I had to get up before noon to go to Brooke's so we can work on our project. I don't really want to go to Brooke's house, I think it's gonna be awkward.

We didn't talk to each other when we went out to dinner with the team, but we caught one another staring. I don't know what's going on between us, it's almost awkward, yet every time I see her my heart starts racing, and when I'm right next to her me knees get weak.

Which makes a conflict with my relationship with Drew, she's so sweet, but my feelings towards Drew are nothing compared to my feelings towards Brooke. I don't want to hurt Drew, but I can't deny I want to be with Brooke.

I want to try to be with Drew though, my chances with Brooke are one in a million, but Drew is here, she likes me, she actually wants me.

While spacing off the whole time, I got ready for this long day. I grabbed a red apple from our fruit basket, pulled my backpack off of my table and walked to the door. I took my car keys out of my right pocket and unlocked my car.

I parked out in front of her house, walked up to her front door, and knocked. Her mother opened the door. "Riley! It's great to see you again! Come in come in! Are you staying for dinner this time?"

She's such a nice woman, it makes me think about how kind my mom was. "I would love to, thank you."

Brooke's mom seemed more excited than she should be. "Brooke is up in her room, you can just walk up there, you remember where it's at right?" I nodded and headed to the stairs.

I knocked on Brooke's door, and she yelled 'come in!' I quietly giggled at her screaming. I opened up her door and walked in. "Hey." She said, without looking at me, she had a PS4 controller in her hand.

"You any good?" I sat down beside her.

She let out a dry laugh. "Of course I am." She was playing Black Ops 3, "I bet I'm better than you."

Brooke scoffed and looked at me, "I highly doubt it." The blonde grabbed her other Ps4 controller and handed it to me. "Lets test that."

I laughed and grabbed it out of her hand. She backed out and let me join in. We played multiple Team Deathmatch games and kept track of who had more kills each game. We played 10 games, she only did better than me by one game. But of course she had to gloat about being better.

Brooke and I spent almost an hour playing games, instead of doing our project.

"We should probably start doing our project now." Her eyes twinkled. I couldn't help but stare into them. I could stare at her beautiful blue eyes for hours. I nodded in agreement and took out a pencil and some paper.

We worked hard until around 5, when her mom yelled at us that dinner was ready. "You're staying for dinner?" I started walking to the door, then stopped to look at her, "Yeah, is that okay?" I softly said. I wasn't going to stay if she didn't want me to.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're staying for dinner." Brooke gave me a genuine smile. Brooke and I walked into the kitchen where her mom, dad, and brother were waiting for us. The two seats that were open were right next to each other.

The dinner Brooke's mom made was the best I've had in a while. My dad isn't the best at cooking, so a lot of the times we go out to eat, or just make simple meals. "Mrs. Eckmann, this dinner is delicious." I said in between bites.

"Oh, dear, call me Judy. And thank you sweetie, you're welcome over here anytime." I smiled at the thought of her allowing me to call her by her first name. Now me coming over anytime, that's all up to Brooke, and I don't know if she wants me over here all the time.

I didn't want to be at their house all day, so after dinner Brooke and I went upstairs, and I grabbed my things. "You're leaving?"

I stared at her for a second, she wants me to stay? "I guess so, we finished the project, and I've been here almost all day. I don't want to overstaying my welcome."

"You're not. Why don't you stay and we play some more video games? Maybe this time you could do better than me." Brooke smirked. I smiled back.

"Alright, only for a little longer, we have school tomorrow."

Author's Note


Sorry this chapter was so short! Also sorry, you're only seeing Riley's side of things right now. Next chapter you will read Brooke's point of view next chapter. I'll get it done soon! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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