Chapter Ten

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Riley's POV

Sunday afternoon came by quickly, and I had to decide what the hell I was going to wear. I wanted to look good, but not too good, because we were just going to the mall. I really only go to the mall to check people out, everything at the mall is way too expensive.

After 20 minutes of determining what to wear, I chose simple jean shorts, a paradise neon tie-dye tee, and a pair of white vans. I pulled my straight hair into a ponytail, and applied a small amount of makeup.

By the time I was done, I heard a honk outside of my apartment complex. I waved my dad and headed out the door.

Sarah was driving, and two other girls were in the car. The girl sitting in the front's name was Jade I believe, and the girl in the back I haven't seen before, but she was really pretty. She doesn't sit with us during lunch, and I haven't seen in her in the halls at all, I don't think she actually goes to our school.

I hopped into the back of Sarah's old 2002 grey Chevrolet Malibu. She turned around and introduced the two girls with her. "Riley! Okay, so this is Jade." She pointed to the curly haired girl in the front, I was right about her name.

"And this is Drew, she doesn't go to our school, but she lives by me, that's how we met, I've known her like forever." I turned to Drew, she gave me a bright smile. "A couple of the other girls said they are meeting us there." I slightly nodded my head, and put my seat belt on.

About 15 minutes we made it to the large mall, "This is my first time here." I quietly spoke as Sarah put her car in park. They all looked towards me and gave me a sideways look. "Seriously?!?!?" Jade was the first one to speak.

"I haven't lived here that long, and I'm always so busy." They all scoffed and got out of the car, not wanting to say any more to me. The girls and I walked to the front of the mall, and met up with Stacy and Hope.

I like shopping, but these girls were shopaholics, we just had to go into every store. They had to try on every clothing item in each store. And not to mention they gossip about every that passes by us. 'That guy is so cute' or 'she is wearing way too much makeup'.

Luckily, they had asked my opinion for many of the girls at the mall, wondering if I found them attractive or not. Most of the time they completely disagreed with my opinion and started arguing with me.

Once we had gone into all of the shops, and hung out for what seemed like forever, we went to the food court to get some food. All of us split up to go to the different restaurants, wanting different things to eat.

I ended up just going to Subway, because I wanted something somewhat healthy and not covered in grease. We all met back up and sat at a large table in the middle of the food court. Hope chose the spot so they could 'scope out' all of the hot guys.

While they were having a deep conversation about wearing camo on top of camo, someone caught my eye. At first I thought I was just seeing things, since I only glanced, but upon looking back at what had originally caught my eye, what I saw was true.

I saw Brooke, with some guy, I couldn't see his face because his back was facing me. They were sitting about 5 tables away from us in my direction. So she couldn't text me, but she could go to the mall with some guy? 

We hadn't talked since Friday night, after everything happened. Last night I ended up texting her, but had no luck with a reply. I must have been staring at her, because Sarah started snapping her fingers and waving her hand in front of my face.

"Who are you day dreaming about Anderson?" She had turned around and was trying to figure out who I was staring at. Please don't see Brooke, please don't bring her up.

Sarah turned her head back around, and she had a big grin plastered on her face. Oh no. "You were staring at Brooke weren't you." I looked away from her, not wanting to give an answer, but me being silent was a good enough answer.

"You like her don't you?"

"What? No. no. We're just friends." Except no one believed me, they all had a doubtful look on their face.

"Maybe so, but you still like her, it's so obvious." Stacy had hissed out.

Then Jade wanted to get into the conversation, "Brooke's with a guy you guys, she must not like girls."

While the three girls were arguing about god knows what, Drew leaned over and whispered in my ear, "You deserve better than this Brooke girl, and you could get way better." She flirtatiously spoke.

I froze, blinking a few times. Was she implying something? Was she meaning her when she said I could get way better? Next thing I know, Drew hands me a folded napkin. I unfold it, revealing a 10 digit number. She definitely meant her. She pretty, but she doesn't compare to Brooke.

I glance back up to look at Brooke, but was startled when I saw her staring at me already. I wanted to smile at her, but jealousy kicked in, and the fact that she was ignoring me made me a little angry. I think she could tell what I was thinking about, because she looked down at her hands, which were placed on the table in front of her.

"Hey guys, can we go now? My dad kinds wants me home soon, and I have to finish unpacking." It wasn't a total lie, I did have some boxes in my room. They all gave small nods, threw their trash away, and headed for the door.

We had to walk past Brooke and the mysterious guy, but I couldn't look at her. I could feel her eyes burning into my back as we walked outside.

After I got home, I decided to go to my room and finish unpacking the boxes, so I could fulfill the small lie. About an hour after I was finished, there was a knock on the door. I figured my dad would get it, so a stayed in bed, playing on my phone.

My door suddenly opened up, and Brooke walked in. "What are you doing here?" I questionably asked.

"He's not my boyfriend." What? What is she talking about?

 "What?" I repeated, but out loud.

"The guy I was wit hat the mall, we are just friends, but we went on a date and went to the mall after."

"Okay? Why are you telling me this? You can date who you want, I'm not gonna stop you." It hurt to say that, but it was the best thing to do, I knew we wouldn't be together.

Before she replied, I asked her a question. "Why were you ignoring me these past two days?" She thought about it for a while.

"Because of Friday night, and everything that happened." What did she mean by that? Which part? When we pretty much had a moment, or when the drunk guy was all over her?

"Could you be a little more specific? A lot of things happened Friday."

"What happened between you and me." Uh oh, this isn't gonna turn out well. She continued, "I'm straight, I don't really know what happened that night, but anyways, the guy I was with, I think we are gonna start dating." My heart fell to my stomach.

She doesn't feel the same way I do. She's going to date that guy from the mall. Who is he anyways? Brooke said one more thing before leaving.

"So are we okay?" No, we aren't I like you and you don't feel the same way.

"Yeah, we're okay. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I gave her a faint smile, then she walked out the door.

What just happened?

Author's Note


Hopefully I write a couple more chapters later today. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though some of you may be enraged at Brooke. Be sure to follow me, vote, and comment. Thank you for reading!

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