Chapter Thirty Eight

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Brooke's POV

Today was the first game of the season. I'm not nervous like I was my freshman year playing my first game. It's like any other game now.

Most of the girls are already at the field, but I had to run home to get my stuff, I forgot them this morning.

There was still plenty of time left since the game started at 6, and we had to be on the field at 5:30.

It was 4:30, so I decided to kill some time making myself a little bit of food.

After eating my ugly sandwich I headed out the door with my bag on my shoulders.

I lived kind of far from the school, so it was about a 10 minute drive. My phone started ringing suddenly.

I quickly picked up my phone, not looking at the caller ID, and put the phone to my ear.


"Hey beautiful! Where you at? You're usually here early." I could easily tell whose soothing voice it was.

"I had to go home because I forgot my stuff. I'll be there in like 7 minutes."

"Can't wait to see your pretty face. I love you, I'll see you soon."

"I love you too. Bye." Saying my last words, I tossed my phone onto the passenger seat.

All of a sudden, my car started smoking. No, no. This can't be happening!

I pulled over to the side of the road as fast as a could and turned my engine off. I leaned over and grabbed my phone.

My mom answered on the third ring, "What's up honey? Shouldn't you be on the field?"

"My car broke down mom, I'm like 2 1/2 miles away from the school. What's our mechanics number?" She told me the number and I typed it up on my phone.

We both said I love you's and I proceeded to call our mechanic.

He said he could be here in an hour, but I don't have an hour, it's already 5. I told him I couldn't wait, and he said to put the keys under the passenger seat and he'll get my car when he could.

I thanked him and started walking in the direction of my school.

2 1/2 miles is a lot farther when it's 90 some degrees out. I periodically checked my phone to see the time.

5:20 rolled around and I decided to start jogging, I couldn't be late to my game.

The sun was started to go down, and I was getting harder to see, the sun was in my eyes.

I popped in my headphones and kept my pace steady. About 2/3 mile to go then I'll be at the school.

I was already late though, it was already 5:40. I picked up the pace, hoping my coach wouldn't yell at me for being late.

I was running as fast as I could, my Baffin banging against my leg.

The roads are getting emptier and emptier, less cars are passing me. I cross street after street.

The next thing I know, I hear a loud horn over my music. Something collides with my body, and pin rushes through my body.

I hear screeching, but I can't see anything. I feel my body hit the road, but I no longer feel pain.

Everything is blurry, I can faintly see the car that had just hit me zoom away. My eyes are so heavy, I can't keep them open.

Before I close my eyes, I see liquid right next to me, it's dark, and I knew right away it was my own blood.

I still can't feel anything, I can't talk, I can't move, I can't hear anything, and now I can't see anything.

The only thing I can feel is a faint vibrating, and I try going for it, but I know I'm not moving.

I'm so tired, I can't stay awake. My phones still vibrating.

I feel like I'm not even inside of my body anymore, and I'm not afraid. It's almost peaceful, nothing hurts, nothing in the world hurts, I feel almost, happy. I finally close my eyes, and everything goes blank.

Riley's POV

"Coach I've called her like ten times!" I yell at my coach. Brooke isn't answering her phone, and it's kind of worrying me.

I don't have time to call her another time though. The games about to start. My coach calls over my dad really quick.

"Ted! Come over here real quick! Can you keep calling Brooke for us? Riley would, but she needs to get onto the field."

I see my dad nod his head and pull out his own phone. I shake off the thought something bad happened and got my head into the game.

The team we are going up against are amateurs, we've beat them like, every year.

Freshman is in the goal, she's lucky, I heard Brooke was the only freshman to play as a goalie on varsity.

The ref blew his whistle and my head was into the game. Seconds turned into minutes, and the game was half over with a score of 3-0, in our favor of course.

I took the break to jog to my dad. "Any answer?" He quietly shook his head, not looking at me, I knew he was just as worried as me. Hell he loved Brooke almost as much as he loves me.

Without exchanging anymore words I had to head back onto the field. Everybody has been on top of their game, the freshman has blocked some incredible shots, even though Brooke is better.

The other team was starting to play dirty, they usually do when they get their ass handed to them.

Fouls keep getting called from left to right, and goals keep getting scored. With 10 minutes left the other team has practically given up

I've stopped bringing the ball up and gave the other girls a chance to make some goals.

The game easily ended 7-0, and knowing soccer games, the scoreboard almost never gets that make points.

We got into the line and were good sports, those bitches on the other team tried to break my god damn hand! 'Good game, good game, fuck you, good game.'

We all jogged off the field, hearing why we always hear when we win a game, but I didn't listen, like always. I checked my phone, hoping to get a message from Brooke. But her mom and called me instead.

There was a voicemail, and I didn't waste anytime listening to it.

Her moms voice was shaky, and I could tell she was crying, something was definitely wrong.

All she said was, 'You need to call me back right away.'

Authors Note

I'm sorry for leaving it on a cliff hanger! I had to! Please vote, comment, and follow me! This story is coming to an end with only a couple more chapters left. I'm already thinking about another story I'll be writing about. I hate to do this to you guys, I hope you liked the chapter.

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