Chapter Eight

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Riley's POV


Before I got into my car and started driving home, I texted my dad saying I was coming home with Brooke, and that I'd explain later. He's going to kill me when I tell him all what happened. I don't know if dad is awake right now, since it's about 12:30am.

About every 30 seconds, I'll glance at Brooke, but she's never looking in my direction, only out the window. Ten minutes later and I'm parking into a parking spot around the apartment complex. I get out and walk to Brooke's door, opening it for her.

She mumbles a thank you, and I lead her to my front door. All the lights are off and my dad's door is closed. I quietly guide Brooke to my room and shut the door slowly.

Without a word I head into my walk in closet, and grab a shirt and some shorts for Brooke to change into. Then I find some clothes for myself. I walk out of my closet and into my bathroom. My closet is attached to my bathroom.

Brooke is cleaning off her makeup with one of my makeup remover cloths. I set the clothes she can change into onto the sink, and walk back into my bedroom. No words were spoken, she didn't even look at me once.

Did I do something wrong? Should I ask her if she's okay? Just let her be. Great, so now I'm talking to myself? Well, who else are you suppose to talk to?

My thoughts are disturbed when Brooke walks out of my bathroom and sits on my desk chair next to my bed, while I'm sitting on the edge of my bed. I decide to speak up first, to break the silence we've had since we got here.

"Are you okay Brooke?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You haven't said anything the whole time."

"I said I'm Fine Riley! Okay?"

I was taken aback by her shouting all of a sudden. Why is she yelling at me? I don't know what I did wrong.

"Okay, okay. Well, you can sleep in my bed, I'll go sleep on the couch." I was hoping for her to tell me to stay, to sleep with her, but after a minute of silence, I left the room.

Brooke's POV


Don't ask me why I yelled at her, or didn't say anything to her, because I don't know myself. I don't know these feelings I'm having, they're confusing. I think about her a lot during the day.

I shouldn't be thinking about her, I like boys, not girls. My parents would not be okay with me dating a girl. I want to tell Riley to stay with me and sleep in her room with me, but I don't. These thoughts and feelings I'm having, aren't natural. She's a girl.

Riley probably doesn't even like me like that, sure she's gay, but that doesn't mean she likes every girl she sees. She may only see me as a friend. Why am I still thinking about her like this? Maybe I just need to find a guy I really like, and all my thoughts will change.

But when she stares at me, my heart starts pounding. Maybe that's normal? No, it can't be. I, Brooke Llyod, is not gay, and never will be. Maybe these feelings are just a for now thing, maybe if I stay away from Riley, they will go away.

I've probably been talking to myself for a couple hours now. I set my alarm for 6am, so I can get up before anyone in this house.


My alarm goes of for about 30 seconds before I'm awake and out of this unfamiliar bed. I change back into the dress I wore the night before, and get my stuff together. I slowly walk out of Riley's room, still fully aware of her sleeping on the couch.

Hoping her father isn't awake, I quietly walk to the front door, glancing at the sleeping Riley, about 20 feet away from me. She's so cute when she's asleep. Stop that! I'm not gay! Keep telling yourself that, do you not listen to anything you're saying about her?

I ignore myself, first because it's a little weird that I'm talking to myself, and second because I really need to get out of this apartment before someone wakes up. Stumbling out of the door, I remember that Riley had picked me up, and I'd have to walk home.

I only lived a couple blocks away, so it was about a 15 minute walk. I got to my house and quickly ran up to my room, not wanting to see my parents or little brother, because they would question me. I change my outfit, once again, into something comfy, then fall onto my bed.

Brooke, you are going crazy, what are you going to do? Before I could answer myself, I fell into a deep sleep.

Authors Note


Sorry everyone, that was a quick chapter, I just hadn't updated in a while so I decided to make a small chapter. So, Brooke is totally denying her feelings about Riley. What is she going to do? You'll find out soon! Please comment your thoughts, vote, and wait for the next chapter, coming soon!

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