Chapter 1

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'What's your name?' The man walking next to me asks. His outfit is black. Black robes. Black shoes. Black hair. Black eyes. Although he wasn't mean yet, I sensed coldness and darkness. He makes me sick.

'I... believe my name's... Dacian.' I stutter slowly. He turns his head to look at me. I quickly look away to my left.

We're walking through a long corridor with large windows, there are hundreds of moving paintings on the wall, and I feel watched by them. He leads me down the stairs, where the torches are the only light; there are no windows here. I think it is underground.

Severus Snape takes me to an office, through a door, down another set of stairs, this time a small and tight corridor. And finally, we arrive at what I suppose is a living room. There's a large sofa, an armchair, a fireplace, and a large table. It's one of the most comfortable rooms I've seen.

'So,' The man begins. 'This is my living room.' He points to three other doors, 'These are my and your bedroom, and my office.'

I slowly nod.

He takes a seat on the couch. 'How are you?'

How are you? What a weird question. He said it like he didn't care, so unpleasantly. I walk over to the armchair. 'Can I sit, sir?'

'Of course.'

Even though now I am sitting opposite from him, I refuse to make eye contact. I had learnt never to do that. Never again.

I don't say anything. I don't want to. And if I wanted to, how can I ever answer to a question like that?! Perhaps just simply say yes and lie, but I know they know I am not okay. They found me there. How could I ever be okay?


My name. Spoken out loud. That never happened before. It catches me off guard. They used to call me a lot of ugly names, but never my own.

'Can you look at me?'

The question is simple; therefore, it is impossible.

I shake my head slowly. 'Don't. Please.'

It remains silent. I don't know what he is up to. What he wants. After a few minutes, I decide and finally carefully look up. He's reading a book. I don't know where and how he got it, but it seems peaceful. He doesn't pay any attention to me, which calms me down a little.

'I hope you know that the people you were with, they're in Azkaban.' He says, after a long while.

My eyebrows raise without me wanting to. I don't want to show my surprise. They are gone? Was he telling me, so that I won't be ready when they come? He's with them, I am sure of that. I recognized his face immediately, knowing that he is a Death Eater. I open my mouth to say something but can't think of anything. I don't want to say anything to this man. He's evil, that's for sure, however it is weird that he hasn't insulted or hurt me yet.

'Do you need something?' He drawls, looking up from the book, my eyes quickly flicker to the floor. I feel his eyes burning in me, but still don't reply.

Severus Snape POV

I hadn't been with him for an hour, and I already am sick of him, I think irritated. I can't communicate him, I can't look at him, he doesn't even speak! How am I supposed to take care of him with this behaviour!?

Despite of him staring at me, I keep reading in the thick novel, until I can't bear the silence and his eyes anymore. With a slam, I close the book, a little louder than I expected. A sudden movement catches my eye; the boy had flinched from the sound.

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