Chapter 6

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Some nice progress in the relations in this chapter (and the one before also). There are some interesting new events about to happen :). Enjoy!!

Severus Snape POV

I think the boy loves what we're doing. Even after the first concert we visited, I already noticed the happy mood. I understand, who doesn't get happy from such concerts? We slept in several hotels, visiting one concert after the other. Sometimes it was chamber music, sometimes an orchestra, or a soloist. I also took him to a pop concert, but he liked classical music more.

The last night in a muggle hotel, I wake up from him panting loudly in the bed next to me. 'Lumos.' I whisper as I stand up. The boy is moving rapidly in his sleep, and I know he's having a nightmare again. I carefully approach him and tap him on his shoulder, he just groans.

'Dacian.' I say, 'Dacian, you're alright.'

He slowly opens his eyes, 'WHAAAA!'

I flinch from his sudden screaming, and he flinches of me flinching. 'Shh, sorry.' I smile, 'It's alright.'

He lays back, 'Oh,'

'It's just me.' I sit down on my bed, 'Sorry for waking you up but...'

'No, thank you.' He sighed, 'I had a dream again.'

'Yes,' I nod, 'Do you want to talk about it?'

I know that he usually doesn't. He keeps much from himself, but I also do know that he trusts me more and more, and it's always a good idea to talk about it. I know he's frightened and traumatised, but I hope to help him. And I believe we've already made a lot of progress.


He wants to talk about it?! How do I start? I think, panicking a bit now.

Dacian POV

I don't know why I want to talk to him, or why I said I would. I suppose I trust him now, and I hope it's good to trust him. The dream I had was about the Death Eaters again, of course, and I know that he has seen all my memories before, and that he probably knows everything, but still...

'Do you want me to ask something about it? Or should I let you talk alone?'

I sit up against the wall in my bed, 'It's easy when you ask questions.'

He nods, 'It was about those two Death Eaters, yes?'


'Do you think about them a lot?'


'Why do you think about them?'

'I...' That's a difficult question, 'I guess I am scared to see them again.'

'Of course you are scared, but why weren't you scared when you were with them?' Severus notices I don't understand the question and continues, 'You resisted, you tried to escape, even though you knew they would punish you.'

'I... well...' Another difficult question. 'It felt like the right thing to do.'

'You could've just worked with them, and they would've never punished you.'

'I guess so, yes.' I sigh, 'They killed people in front of me.'

Severus's face turned into full surprise. 'What?!'

His voice lowers, and it makes me shiver; he's mad. 'They told me it were Muggles.'

'How...' He mumbles, more to himself than to me. I don't reply. 'I didn't see it in your memories.' He eventually says.

Severus Snape's Son: The Slytherin RebelWhere stories live. Discover now