Chapter 31

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Dacian Pov


He gifts me radiant beams of hope, a sunrise in the depths,

Illuminating my world with each smile, a celestial grace,

His presence, a melody that orchestrates my happiness,

A symphony of joy, echoing through time and space.

A soul, unblemished, bathed in purity's glow,

His essence, a serenade of innocence, untainted by strife,

He mirrors my being, a reflection aglow,

A son imagined, a manifestation of love and life.

In the tapestry of existence, he's a brushstroke of divinity,

A masterpiece painted with hues of love's tender touch,

He embodies dreams, a whispered serendipity,

Dacian, my son, the embodiment of love's eternal clutch.

After being pushed into what I thought was a closet, my eyes land immediately on the poem hanging on the wall in front of me. My name, myself, carved by Snape's words in a poem. The words hit me like a knife in the heart. A piece of me believed his memories and explanations, yet now... this changes everything.

I already knew he liked to read literature and poetry, but to create such a beautiful thing himself? The cold and heartless Snape? I never expected that at all. My eyes are watering again, an ache starting in my stomach, and I know that I've accepted it. I know that my heart believes him. Hope, doubt, sadness fill my mind, and I can't think straight anymore. The person that had knocked is now forgotten, and there is only me here in this moment, and my hundred and more thoughts.

The closet resembles more of a storage room; shelves filled with his books, potions and cauldrons everywhere, and even a small working desk, with floating candles above them.

I slowly glide to the wooden floor, leaning against the closet door, my head resting on my knees, and I'm staring at the beautiful flames of the candles in the corner.

"He gifts me radiant beams of hope..."

I'm rereading the sentences again and again, not being able to do anything else. It's like I'm charmed into this position, not able to getting out. After what seems like days, years, months, the door opens.

I'm able to get up just on time to prevent myself from falling out immediately, and turn to the dark man in front of me. No, not dark. The man who... I don't know what to think about him.

'Are you alright?' He asks carefully.

'Should I be?' I whisper back, 'After all this?'

The next thing he does amazes me once more, and my heart leaps again.

Severus Snape's Son: The Slytherin RebelWhere stories live. Discover now